Malayalam Movie Avarude Raavukal: Mollywood has welcomed the latest Malayalam movie Avarude Ravugal to all the theaters at South India. It has been released over 100s of Theater and after all it’s an outright comedy hit movie. However, Avarude Ravugal was written and directed by Shanil Muhammed ( Newbie to Malayalam Film Industry).The Avarude Ravugal movie expresses the story of 4 young men who recess Kochi(Kerala)from different places and even happens an unexpected actions in their life form the theme of the movie.
The movie has theoretical review and rating with 3/5 from the basic collection report as well as reviewed over the Public after the first preview. Malayalam Movie Avarude Raavukal sounds not like Avalude Ravukal old film acted by seema, the entire theme of this movie is different than that. After all, this is nor like romantic movies neither like comedy, apart from that, sounds entirely different.
Back End at Avarude Raavukal:
- Produced by Ajay Krishnan
- Written by Shanil Muhammed
- Starring Asif Ali – Unni Mukundan Honey Rose
- Music by Sankar Sharma
- Cinematography Vishnu Narayan
- Edited by Prejish Prakash
- Distributed by Sopanam Entertainments
Check More on Avarudal Ravugal Malayalam Movie:
As the Unni Mukundan and Asif Ali starring for his second movie in malayalam in 2017’s sounds a variety to film world along with charming actress Honey Rose. She is also a Tamil movie actress and one of the young leading actress in the Malayalam Industry.
The Theaters of South India welcomed this Mollywood Hot along with other movies to the theater with a lovely appreciation. As the Ramadan month, the movie welcomed nicely to the theaters and entire theaters of Kerala for checking the Day one report for this EID 2017 to be a surprise to all the Fans out there.
As the Team of Avarude Ravugal comprises of various casts includes: Vinay Forrt,Aju Varghese,Mukesh,Milana Nagaraj,Nedumudi Venu,Sudhi Koppa,Lena and charming Ambika Mohan also performed well with their role in this movie to a super hit to run at theaters all around the Kerala.
Lets chit chat here on your view on Malayalam Movie Avarude Raavukal Rating/Review and the expected Collection Report.