Sunny Leone Pledge for World Environment Day 2017


Sunny Leone the Most Beautiful Bollywood Actress made a Pledge for World Environment Day 2017 in favor of Asif Bhamla Bhamla Foundation ingenuity. She Takes a Pledge in Regards with Supporting Environment and Asking Others to Follow the same concept not only on World Environment Day, Even more, takes this Oath throughout the Life by making Green Environment Around.

In Her Speach, She Pointed that Mankind and Nature has an Equal Dominance in this World For Co-Exiting Equally and thus thereby Nature can be apt to mankind.

Sunny Leone Quoted as Follows in her Speech.

  • Exequies Trees
  • Waste Supervision
  • Shedding Control and Restore the Planet by making apt to Mankind with Nature.

She Started Taking the Responsibility of Guarding the Planet. In most of the Cities, Nature Club started the Pledge and represented the Environment Programs in Beaches, Park and Other People Roaming areas for Making the awareness of the World Environment Day along with the Oath of Teaching Others to Take this Environment Day Challenge.

In most of the School’s Started Posting around the Compounds with the Awareness of World Environment Posters 2017 and also they were Originating Rally with Posters as well as Street Environment Activities around the Cities for making the People make this Environment day a big Challenging one in the aim making their City alike their Living Room.