Win Win W413 Kerala Lottery Result Today: Kerala Lottery has Declared Win-Win Result Couple of Minutes ago for the Series Number W413 at the Official Declaration Center at Trivandrum. The Serial Number Winner is Requested to Note down the Details of Your Name as Well as Address along with your Official Signature at the Back of the Win Win W413 Lottery. W413 Lottery Result is Drawn from the Chitra Auditorium Using as Usual Procedure and the Prize Money of Win Win Worth an Amount of Rupees 65 lakhs for the Winner Worth a 30/- Ticket.
If you are One of the Lucky Guy from the 8 Prize Including the Consolation Prize and if you are sure about the Ticket Won’t gets Missed from Your Hand ( Serial No W413), then there is no problem in writing Your Details at the Back of the Winning W413 Ticket drawn Today ( 5 June 2017). It’s World Environment Day and People all around the world Including Poor and Rich are equally celebrating the Day with the Slogan of “Go Green”. Let this day will be Something More Valuable for those Person Who Wins Today’s Kerala Lottery Prize worth of 65lakhs Proceeding with Lowest Prize amount of 100INR.
It’s World Environment Day Today and People all around the world Including Poor and Rich are equally celebrating the Day with the Slogan of “Go Green”. Let this day will be Something More Valuable for those Person Who Wins Today’s Kerala Lottery Prize worth of 65lakhs Proceeding with Lowest Prize amount of 100INR.
The Problem In Denoting Your Detail for Winning Prize of W413 is that, if your Nearby Seller are able to Give you 10k Till as the Winning Amount and Suppose You Might be Noted Your Details at the back of the Lottery, Then you will have to collect the Prize money from the Lottery Department Under Civil Station Near By. The Main Advantage of Writing the Same is that The Seller Won’t Take Commission if you directly goes with W413 at the Lottery Office or else if you hand over for Eg: W413 won 10k, then the Resellers will take a commission and Balance will get handover to you.