Kerala Lottery Result Today Karunya Plus KN191 – 14.12.2017


Kerala Lottery Result: The Lottery department of Kerala for Thursday draw Karunya Plus KN191 lottery results has been announced. The sale of Kerala Lottery ticket for Karunya Plus Bagyakuri for the series KN191 started by 7th December 2017 and ended the sale by today after around 2.30 PM. As per information the official declaration of Kerala Lottery Result KN191 for Today’s draw has been initiated from Trivandrum Sree Chitra Auditorium. As the Lottery ticket for 14.12.2017 draw has been sold out cost Rs.30 Per ticket. However, sounds like a 50 Lakh winning KN 191 Lottery made it sale for 30 rupees per ticket is something big and great.

How to check Kerala Lottery Result Today Karunya Plus KN191 – 14.12.2017:

The way to check Kerala Lottery Result Today for the series of draw Karunya Plus KN191  updates as per official schedule dated on 14.12.2017 is free to check and download the results with us. For the easy process and to keep away from the confusions arises for every ticket holder of Karunya Plus Bagyakuri, lottery authorities has been pointed certain facts behind the Karunya Plus KN 191 lottery ticket. Interestingly it unveils the fact of the entire lottery draw for Karunya plus KN 191 lottery ticket as well as the pros and cons, do and don’t the same.

Well, for the previous draw, the Karunya Plus Bagyakuri on Thursday awarded the luck for PJ 190453 from Kannur district and the dealers of the same official reported the winners already. Does this will happen again in Kannur district? Let us make use of official Kerala Lottery Result Today Karunya Plus KN191 updates.

The one and only 24 members awarding a second prize of Rs: 100,000/- will awarding with the help of Kerala State lottery department in India. Even more, more exciting other prizes also updating the winners of the same draw. If you got any more furthermore clarification regarding the same, please drop us a valuable query.


1st Prize- Rs :5,000,000/- PV 431207 (KOZHIKKODE)
Consolation Prize- Rs. 10,000/- PN 431207 PO 431207 PP 431207 PR 431207
PS 431207 PT 431207 PU 431207 PW 431207
PX 431207 PY 431207 PZ 431207
2nd Prize- Rs :100,000/- PN 526297 (KOLLAM)
PO 347325 (WAYANAD)
PO 407399 (PALAKKAD)
PP 193244 (PALAKKAD)
PR 694457 (KANNUR)
PS 152776 (KOTTAYAM)
PT 732380 (THRISSUR)
PT 771104 (KOLLAM)
PU 541432 (KOTTAYAM)
PU 848434 (THRISSUR)
PV 534869 (KOTTAYAM)
PV 845277 (THRISSUR)
PW 175314 (THRISSUR)
PY 177199 (THRISSUR)
3rd Prize– Rs. 5,000/- 1531 1701 1703 1892 5910
5944 6148 7290 8180
4th Prize- Rs. 2,000/- 0157 0428 0816 3019 3049
4644 4964 5891 6142 7396
7965 8473
5th Prize- Rs. 1,000/- 0500 0797 2006 2555 3106
3428 3608 3922 4243 4543
5020 5871 6309 6859 6965
7022 7046 7667 8273 8676
8689 8708 9601 9717 9744
6th Prize- Rs. 500/- 0577 0635 0674 0691 0717
1021 1474 1775 2993 3177
3214 3739 3836 3875 3952
3990 4081 4481 4697 5369
5497 5929 6094 6711 6812
7017 8051 8159 8298 8647
8691 8767 8862 9063 9571
7th Prize- Rs. 200/- 0066 0191 0365 0786 1019
1416 1490 1494 1765 2252
2271 2399 2470 2741 2818
3042 3074 3092 3141 3146
3419 3569 3731 3878 4156
4187 4229 4291 4487 4841
4894 5528 5529 5856 5959
6092 6889 7147 7161 7173
7855 8553 8951 8988 9305
8th Prize- Rs. 100/- 0182 0290 0300 0570 0656
0972 0975 0985 1129 1220
1301 1325 1553 1595 1799
1963 2175 2216 2349 2511
2542 2551 2564 2855 3287
3303 3799 3853 4095 4101
4103 4145 4348 4368 4663
4779 4802 4809 4820 4863
4889 5228 5231 5333 5436
5567 5642 5705 5838 6052
6198 6203 6299 6365 6428
6529 6604 6673 6684 6817
7075 7110 7228 7270 7706
7724 7989 8203 8364 8514
8548 8656 8723 8801 9126
9191 9217 9342 9440 9531
9754 9807 9820 9866 9983