Kerala Lottery Result 28.4.2018 Today Karunya KR343


Kerala Lottery Result 28.4.2018: The 343rd draw of Karunya Lottery of series Karunya KR343 has been announced. LIVE from PAZHAVANGADI East Fort Center Today [28.4.2018] streams with the Lucky Karunya Lottery KR343 ticket updates are on the Line. The official Notification set for Karunya Lottery Ticket as per the Circular followed regarding the Same from Sree Chitra Auditorium Unveils the Facts are as follows.

The Ticket Sale of Karunya KR343 has been started from 21/04/2018 after the official declaration of the 342nd draw of the same series. Perhaps, the Karunya Lottery of 28th April seems like the Final draw of this April Season. Recently the draw of Karunya as on 21st figured out the Winner from Kozhikode district. Well, that sounds like Aww..!! This effect of Karunya Lottery basically Kills the much-awaited sale of Kozhikode region and sounds that happened.

In Detail Kerala Lottery Result 28.4.2018 Today Karunya KR343:

Generally, each Karunya Lottery ticket figures out on Saturdays. Well, in fact, that, the same Karunya Lottery KR 343 has been followed the same pattern as like before the same draw updated under Kerala Lotteries. Each Aspirant of Karunya Lottery should manage to know the updates the Kerala State lottery board stipulated over the Karunya KR 343. However, the detailed Scenario of the same has been enhanced at the back side of the Lottery ticket of 28/4/2018, you were purchased.

The important point should be noted on Karunya KR343:
  1. Ticket Rate and Date of Draw: 30 INR, 28.4.2018
  2. Ticket Name: Karunya Bagyakuri.
  3. Identification: Barcode Scanning, as well as Manual Methods, can be opted.
  4. Prizes Updated: 75 lakhs to 100INR.
  5. 2 Seals Provided at the back of Karunya Lottery KR 343 is Mandatory while purchasing the ticket.

Final Verdict:

If you got any queries to ask on Kerala Lottery Today Karunya 28.4.2018, updated for the 343rd draw, feel free to ask it in detail in the comment section given below.