Kerala Lottery Result 5.6.2018 Sthree Sakthi SS109


Kerala Lottery Result 5.6.2018 – Sthree Sakthi SS109: The Tuesday draw of Sthree Sakthi Lotteries are on the line for today from Trivandrum auditorium. Well, it seems like the Tuesday 50 Lakh Sthree Sakthi of 109 Series under Kerala Lottery has been figured its sale to an end by today. As the Sale for the Kerala State Lottery Sthree Sakthi SS 109 ticket started on 29/05/2018 with the permission of Deputy Director.

The Kerala Lottery ticket covered most of the Kerala Region as well as Coimbatore, Mangalore border so fast to grab the attention of public supports within a span of time.

Kerala Lottery Result 5.6.2018 Sthree Sakthi SS109 in Detail:

All Kerala focussed lottery sale made not only the impact, even this 50 lakhs Kerala Bagyakuri really focussed far region sale also. In fact, this seems like 109th draw under Sthree Sakthi Lotteries. However, the only problem found with the reduction of Kerala Lottery of 5.6.2018 and never changed its 1st prize money.

Kerala Lottery Sthree Sakthi Lottery Result [Update]:

Well, seems like there are no further updates or extending the draw date for Sthree Sakthi Lottery Result for the SS 109 Series. As it already reported the same came to big hike as expected. The great opportunity of winning a 50 lakh lotto with a 30 Rupee INR stands awesome right. Now you made a big opportunity in your life with this Lucky draw.

How to Check Today’s Kerala Lottery Result 5.6.2018:

  • Check out the Winning numbers of 5.6.2018 updated below.
  • While Checking the SS 109 of Sthree Sakthi, Make it Clarified with the date, logo, barcode as well as signature of deputy director.
  • Check the 4 Digit as well as 6 digit Winning Numbers of SS 109 carefully.
  • The Barcode Scanning over Kerala Lottery ticket 5.6.2018 using the genuine app can able to see the false identity of the ticket as well as it reflects the winning.

After winning the Kerala Lottery ticket of 5.6.2018, kindly don’t get panicked, stay calm and you got 1 month time to submit the ticket. If you are unaware of the same, please seek the help of Kerala Lottery authorities y filling the details at the back of Sthree Sakthi Lottery SS109.

Check the Winners – Sthree Sakthi SS109:

1st Prize- Rs :5,000,000/-
SB 486876 (THRISSUR)

Consolation Prize- Rs. 25,000/-
SA 486876 SC 486876 SD 486876 SE 486876
SF 486876 SG 486876 SH 486876 SJ 486876
SK 486876 SL 486876 SM 486876

2nd Prize- Rs :500,000/-

3rd Prize- Rs. 5,000/-
0241 0735 1037 1052 1492
1936 2628 4688 9666

4th Prize- Rs. 2,000/-
0681 0772 0850 1218 2578
2865 2934 4908 6932 8245
8472 8901 9456 9784

5th Prize- Rs. 1,000/-
0286 1489 1695 2355 3095
3411 3559 3916 4156 4217
6838 6913 6976 7042 7379
7572 7716 7750 7768 8299
8993 9120 9553 9900 9911

6th Prize- Rs. 500/-
0006 0041 0314 1171 1352
2191 2257 2463 4267 4421
4467 4480 4584 4760 5224
5527 5618 5713 5799 6168
6407 6961 8474 8604 8711
8716 9016 9029 9405 9542
9605 9656 9760

7th Prize- Rs. 200/-
0921 1486 1535 1605 1773
1906 1927 2330 2666 2869
3138 3250 3260 3477 4443
4605 5086 5363 5486 5944
5995 6089 6406 6438 6663
6738 7058 7098 7154 7189
7630 7829 7903 7928 7935
8435 8492 8726 8743 8800
8874 8981 8983 9279 9755

8th Prize- Rs. 100/-
0275 0404 0459 0606 0635
0733 0909 0991 1073 1104
1192 1326 1376 1494 1640

1770 1791 1838 1846 1880
1950 2098 2198 2262 2310
2316 2376 2520 2694 2825
3017 3278 3720 3847 3904
4026 4186 4377 4415 4818
4880 4909 4917 5169 5171
5173 5174 5206 5409 5652
5710 5868 6003 6012 6017
6036 6269 6365 6460 6714
6777 6907 6908 7094 7129
7253 7275 7538 7566 7658
7787 7805 7855 7858 7873
7902 7909 7965 8041 8092
8165 8433 8462 8551 8590
8689 8719 8744 8780 8837
8972 9034 9081 9256 9297
9422 9508 9644 9877 9940


If you need any help while checking Today’s Kerala Lottery Result 5.6.2018 issued for the  Sthree Sakthi SS109. Kindly make it in detail in the below comment box for the same. Even got an urgent, feel free to ass the same in the contact form above.