How to Renew Passport in India? Passport Renewal India Online


Passport Renewal India Online: Every Individual gets worried while if you see their passport going to get expired. The government of India made everything online whether while applying for a new passport or if you go for renewal. There were passport Seva Kendra is there to get you the assistance if you are unaware of the online process. In case of urgency or whether you got enough time to travel abroad, you got two options provided. Either you can go for Normal application or with the Tatkal application process. Got any benefits of applying for each option? Lets us see more about the Passport renewal process online at the official portal.

Passport Renewal India Online process and Registration details

While if you want to re-issue your passport in India, the government of India made the process in a systematic and secure manner. The registration, fees submission and every application status can be viewed now online. For assistance, each region, the government official at the Passport Seva Kendra is there for you to guide with the best.

What to do while your passport going to get expire or its the deadline has crossed? In need of an urgent situation, what should I do with my passport renewal? People get frustrated with this concern while thinking too much about the passport. Take a look at the passport renewal online process in India and every update regards with the same here explained below. In order to check the passport status and to find passport renewal Kerala or any region, the same steps to be followed.

Steps to be followed for Passport Renewal in India Online – How to renew your passport in India?

Before getting into the process, please make sure whether you have your passport and other important documents with you.

  • Go to the respective passport renewal portal which is authorized by the government of India. Check here:
  • You have got 8 sections to be filled by yourself or with the support from passport Seva centre to make it done in the right manner.
  • While applying for passport renewal online, make sure about every 8 steps to be checked properly.
  • The passport renewal online form gives you the complete structure of details to get ready with.
  • passport renewal online payment and other documents required for the process will be mentioned on the same website which is given above.

Once you successfully entered the portal which is given above,  follow the steps which are detailed in with screenshots.

passport renewal process 1

In the above screenshot, you should make sure that you going to Reissue for a passport. If your passport expired or not, check the first option “Validity Expired“. Otherwise, go with the respective option noted in the sections. However, you can select the number of the booklet that you required. Whether if you are a traveller, go with 60 pages booklet other than going with 36 pages.


passport renewal section 2

In this section, It is significant that while adding the Applicant First name, Middle Name and the Surname should be as it is the previous passport. Applicants usually get confused in the “Surname”, make sure about how it is mentioned in the previous passport. Alike the same, it is important whether you are eligible for the Non-ECR category. The question mark symbol which has given prior to the question will give you the idea of what it is. Each mandatory field should be updated accordingly as it is asked and if the available section is not mandatory to do so.


This section is very much important in the abroad countries and makes sure about 0% errors in filling the same.passport renewal section 3Section-4:

In section 4 you must make sure about reaching the postal verification and for police verification. However, the details that you enter the section shouldn’t be fake or just for a temporary one. Wherever exact permanent and you should report it accordingly and if you are currently out of place, make sure it should be reported with nearby police autorities once after the registration process for renewal.

Passport Renewal India


This section is mandatory for important inquiries to be checked whether the applicant alive or not or if missed the delivery, the same will be transferred to this concerned person. However, the passport is a registered identity and even in the time after police verification, there is no sign of applicant, then it will be cancelled. However, the emergency contact details that you were attaching is not for complete verification of passport. It’s for the general purposes of delivering or for important inquiry purposes of the applicant.

passport renewal section 5


In order to Reissue the passport, it is mandatory that the section, otherwise the process will be canceled automatically if found with any errors.

Passport Renewal India status

Each detail that you’ve entered in the previous passport which turned expired should be the same as what you enter here. The details to be filled can be seen at the front and backside of your initial passport.


Passport Renewal India update

Most of the applicant section 7 should be alike and while entering Yes/No in the above given, make sure it should be read twice or thrice. While if you re-issue again after 10 years, this can’t be unchanged.


As you are a citizen of India and it is clear that you got many documents for attaching the proof while updating the section such as Pan Card, Voters ID, Aadhar card…etc.

Passport Renewal India proof

Once successfully filed each and every section which given during the registration process, make sure it is entered precisely. If you entered the detail found to be true and the final step is to enter the payment details.

Passport Renewal India payment

Once you successfully do the payment process for the application, there you will get the date that you should arrive at the passport centre for the final process of verification. If you applied via Tatkal registration you will cost around 3500/- and if you have done the Normal registration, you will be charged 1500/-. During the time of registration in section-1 itself say so.

Final verdict:

If you are unaware of the process, try to get advice from the Passport Seva Kendra to make it done in the right manner. Got any confusion about the Passport Renewal India online, get the advice with Quint Daily team by checking with the comment section at the earliest.