Side effects of Rambutan – How much is too much

Side effects of Rambutan

Rambutan is a popular fruit from the Lychee family. Naïve to Indo-Malaysian region this fruit I highly have known for its hairy texture and sweet/sour taste. Rambutan is typically grown in the tropical region owing to its temperature and humidity requirements. The fruit inside the shell is much like lychee pulp but with a distinct taste. Rambutan seeds are a part of the fruit which isn’t meant to be consumed but is used in a variety of medicines, cooking and home remedies.

Side effects of Rambutan in detail

Rambutan, Nephelium lappaceum is not easy to grow in all kinds of environment. As a result of today, it is practised to grow in certain regions of India, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, and Africa under sun control rooms and controlled temperatures.

Rambutan is rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin B3, minerals and natural sugar. It also contains phosphorus and calcium in good amounts so as to suffice the nutritional requirements of a person daily. However, too much consumption of rambutan can cause more harm than benefits. While consuming rambutan can aid in better skin, better digestive system, lowering of blood pressure, or purifying the blood it can also be a danger to the body if not consumed as per the daily requirements or suitability. Here are some rambutan fruit side effects to keep in mind.

Rambutan for diabetics

Basically, Rambutan has a hairy texture on the outside while a sweet/sour pulp on the inside. Rambutan is generally loaded with natural sugar and has a mildly sweet taste to treat the taste buds. Moreover, when it comes to over-ripened or dark red rambutans – the sugar content is way too high for normal consumption. The high sugar content of rambutan is not suitable for people who are diabetic. The sugar content in rambutan can lead to increased blood sugar for the diabetics thus causing a problem.

People likely suffering from diabetes should consider eating a few half-ripe rambutans for the best benefits. While the over-ripened rambutans are to be avoided by them. For people who do not have diabetes consuming the ripened rambutans isn’t prohibited but it is safe to consume only a few pieces.

Can you Eat Rambutan Seeds?

You might have a doubt while eating Rambutan, is good to eat Rambutan seeds. So, I came up with an answer to your question: can you eat rambutan seeds? Normally, it won’t be tasty to eat the seeds of any fruit. Likewise, the seed is not recommended to eat, because – you won’t feel like, it’s good to eat. You might doubt: how many rambutan can i eat a day and whether is there any limitation. It is really based on someone’s interests and health condition. But, for pregnant women, it’s different, let’s have a look.

Rambutan side effects in pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman should consider eating a lot of fruits. This includes fruits that are loaded with Vitamin C. While lychee can be a great option to enjoy seasonal fruits rambutan isn’t quite the right thing to choose.

While rambutan does no harm during pregnancy it is the ripened rambutans with extra sweetness which can be a cause of concern. Over ripened rambutans have high amounts of sugar and this sugar soon gets converted into alcoholic nature when inside the body. The alcoholic properties of the rambutan pulp inside the body can be dangerous for pregnant women and fetus. Therefore women should avoid rambutans (the over-ripened) during their pregnancy.

High cholesterol levels

The Rambutans are known to raise the levels of cholesterol in the body. This is strictly in response to the number of rambutan one consumes. While a few pieces of rambutans cause absolutely no harm it is the regular consumption and overeating that might affect the cholesterol levels significantly. High cholesterol levels can be a danger to heart health and the life of the person. For heart patients, it is best recommended to avoid rambutans altogether to safeguard them from the rise in cholesterol levels.

Raw rambutan seeds

Rambutan seeds are highly used in a variety of food recipes but eating the seeds is considered unhealthy. The raw rambutan seeds have a slightly narcotic property which aggravates when inside the body. This is the reason why rambutan seeds are either to be roasted or cooked to eat with food. The cooked rambutan seeds destroy the harmful chemicals and make the seeds perfect to eat. Rambutan seeds have a slightly nutty flavour like almond.

Digestive issue

Rambutan isn’t really a fibrous fruit as compared to apples and bananas! The pulpy texture is watery and thus does not aid much in keeping up with digestive tract. Rambutan side effects are that when consumed too much it can harm the digestive system and can cause constipation. In fact, this can be used as a treatment to cure diarrhoea at home. For this, the number of rambutans consumed should be well within limits.


Rambutan is a great fruit and loaded with benefits only until it is consumed in limits. Side effects of rambutan can harm your body and health. Stay updated for healthy updates here with Quintdaily.