Dogs love Fruit – What’s the safe fruits for them?


Everyone loves watermelon, even dogs. But is it a safe fruit for them? The answer is yes, dogs can eat watermelon but with a couple of precautions. In this new article, we will explain the warnings and benefits of this sweet summer fruit.

Summertime for fresh and juicy fruit, but how can we settle with our four-legged friends? Imagine a summer vacation you and your dog who, enjoying a little shade, look at you eagerly tearing up the sliced ​​watermelon that you brought from home. We know how gluttonous our puppies are, but what if they too want to bite a little bit of it?

True, you would gladly share anything with them, even a piece of red watermelon, but the problem is that you are not sure it is a safe fruit for canine consumption.

To refresh the summer of our quadrupeds we have already provided you with 10 fantastic recipes to make ice cream and popsicles for them at home, but the temptation to give them a few pieces of fresh fruit on such hot days can be strong.

Dogs and Fruits

Usually, the fruit is not a popular choice for an alternative feeding of our dog and his great appetite cannot, in any case, lead us to give him anything, if only that some foods could even poison him.

But watermelon, as well as a few orange wedges, apples, or bananas, is not one of the foods that our dogs should never give. Rich in lycopene, vitamin C, pantothenic acid, copper, vitamin A, potassium, biotin, magnesium, vitamin b6, and vitamin b1, they also have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. This means that watermelons can be consumed not only for their taste but also for their nutritional value and yes, ‘its safe for dogs to eat watermelon’, but with a little care.

Benefits of Watermelon for Dogs

In short, watermelons are good for dogs, but there are still a number of recommendations.

One or two pieces will suffice and no more: too much watermelon could lead to frequent urination and changes in bowel movement. In any case, the portion depends on the size: the smaller the dog, the smaller it will have to be –

Remove the seeds, which could create serious problems for the dog who cannot digest them.

What parts of the watermelon can a dog eat?

Now that you know that dogs can eat watermelon, what is the best way to give it to your dog?

Be careful when you feed this juicy fruit to your dog, there are two parts of the watermelon that your dog cannot eat: the peel and the seeds.

The reason why the peel and seeds are dangerous for dogs is that the seeds can lead to choking hazards and your dog will also have difficulty digesting them. The peel could cause intestinal problems. So always make sure to remove them.

Conclusion –

If your dog eats the seeds or peel of watermelon and sees signs of intestinal blockage, including vomiting, constipation, lethargy, and abdominal pain, call the vet at home immediately to avoid serious complications.