Best Ways to Home Train Your Dog


Dogs are a man’s best friend and training them well really is a treat. Not only are they fun to be around, but they also protect and serve just as well. There are certain certified techniques you can use to mildly train your dogs into understanding basic commands. Experts suggest they feed off of your energy and not the exact word you use, in that your inflexion matters more to what they perceive of your commands.

The most basic of the commands, sit, stay, come, no and don’t throw up on the carpet are not that difficult a feat for you to have them understand. A few dogs, no doubt, are more overzealous than the rest. They can be a hassle to deal with, but I would suggest that is half the fun. Yet, to train really excitable dogs, I suggest you use more potent techniques. According to a dog boarding owner there are a few basic techniques that all dogs should know like sit, stay, come and no, they aren’t that difficult to teach or for them to understand. Some dogs may be harder to teach, but that doesn’t mean they can’t learn these basic commands, even if they are a bit of a hassle to train. You just need to remember that every dog is different, but every dog can be trained if you’re using the right techniques and practices.

To Train dogs –

To sit –

  1. Start by speaking out “Sit”, or however “sit” is said in your language
  2. Hold the treat close to their nose
  3. Move your hand upwards and let their head follow
  4. Once he has his back lowered, speak the command again and reward with treat and affection

To come –

  1. Put a leash on your dog
  2. Sit down, and say “Come”, or however “come” is said in your language, while pulling on the leash
  3. When he gets to you, reward with treat and affection

To stay –

  1. Ask your dog to “sit”, or however, oh you know what I mean
  2. Gesture stay with your hand and ask them to “stay”, as well
  3. Take a few steps back and if they concur, reward with treat and affection
  4. You can gradually increase the steps and reward with treat and affection if the training is successful

To leave it –

  1. Place a treat in both your hands and show them a treat in an enclosed hand
  2. Let them lick and sniff, but do not offer the treat
  3. Say “leave it” until they stop trying
  4. As soon as they do, reward with the treat in the other hand, and obviously, affection
  5. Repeat until they understand what you want of them

Most dogs respond to these commands quite easily once trained well and enough. These are the most basic of commands and you can start by trying to train them to do much more complex feats. A few dogs, as mentioned, can be quite difficult to deal with and there are certain ways you can manage that ordeal.

To train excitable dogs –

  1. Do not encourage excitement: The primary point is when your dog acts excitable and approaches you, the emotions you portray during that moment will determine the behaviour. This means the worst thing you can do is give them affection while they act overzealously. Do not reward them, yet do not yell either. Remember, they feed off your energy, if you do not do any action, they will not be encouraged to continue.
  2. Encourage calmness: When your dog is in a calm state, share as much affection to let them feel motivated to continue.
  3. Run them out/Provide an outlet: Younger dogs are generally more active. This means they need an outlet to bring out all that pent-up energy. When they do not have that outlet, they run the risk of turning rabid. Play with them plenty and let them stay connected to their primal instinct by letting them mate.
  4. Limit outlets: Too much of something is bad and it is a similar case with dogs. This means when you let them play, remind them that calmness is rewarded more.
  5. Use sound devices: Dogs sometimes, when distracted can easily calm down. You can also use devices that produce high-frequency sounds that can easily take their attention from otherwise being destructive. Refer to BarxBuddy review for reference.
  6. Calm yourself: Do not let your emotions get the better out of the situation. Remember yelling and hitting can cause them to turn defensive. This does not resolve anything and leaves both you and the dog scarred. Pun intended.


Dogs are friendly creatures and are known to respond to love and affection. You must use friendly tactics to get them to behave, understand you and your affection, and respond to commands.