5 reasons you need to invest in cryptocurrency


Cryptocurrencies are cryptographic coins that run on a network – this is a transparent mechanism that secures and reduces the danger of coins. This distributed ledger tracks every exchange of crypto-coins such that all coins without a centralized authority may be found. Crypto-coins provides a convenient way to work electronically, but with modern technologies, they present interesting investment opportunities.

Go9tro, a company who was founded by John W Rustin Jr has been working to provide internet services to nearly 135 countries helping the 3 billion unbankable people build cryptocurrency wealth. You can find more about this vision through the Go9tro March Madness Commercial.

We consulted John W Rustin Jr, a Cryptocurrency Enthusiast and for this post, we present you the top 5 reasons for investing in cryptocurrencies as are addressed.

Stimulating Cryptocurrency acceptance

Bitcoin’s total acceptance is picking up. For eg, over 2020 the number of users of the common Blockchain bag slowly rose, with the increased speed that has held up since last November.

The company’s estimates indicate that over the last 12 months, they have risen from 45 to 67 million wallets.

If the Bitcoin buyers’ market starts to heat up, retail and institutional investors will follow this momentum by trading a lot of other tokens and coins to retain the Bitcoin cryptocurrency with their altcoins. If this market tends to escalate, the price patterns in Bitcoin in recent cycles could become much more explosive.

Ideal for the macroclimate

The value proposition of Bitcoin is perfectly suited for the Bitcoin macro climate that was generated by the 2009 global financial crisis. Bitcoin was secretly deployed in the desert in which all but a tiny but increasing community of idealists accepted it, against the history of bank defaults, government bailouts, or quantitative easing. We are seeing GMI – an unparalleled growth of any money, unlike anything that has ever been seen in the advanced world.

Given the hardcoded limit of 21 million coins on Bitcoin’s protocol, this produces a single numerical shortage. As demand increases, the supply cannot be raised. The supply will only be rendered by current Bitcoin investors who are prepared to sell.

Flow model Bitcoin Stock 

The ‘stock to flow’ investment principle can be used as a way to measure the shortage of a product. Stock accounts for overall circulating supply and flow for a fresh annual supply.

Since Bitcoin is an open-source program, Bitcoin’s S2F can be calculated with 100 percent precision. The new Bitcoin S2F is 56, which is approximately the same as gold, following Bitcoin’s third halves in May 2020. Yet Bitcoin is going to be twice as scarce as gold after the next half. Since a market crash and rebound, Bitcoin has still exceeded its previous all-time peak.

Bitcoin has still exceeded its previous all-time peak

Finally, it never hurts to look at past market details if someone’s wondering ‘can I buy Bitcoin.’ In the last 10 years, Bitcoin has experienced numerous highs and troughs, reporting “dead” in mass media more than 383 times. Nevertheless, he has already succeeded in overcoming his last record highs, but there is no need to presume that it will not happen again.

Everything is going crypto

Historical market evidence shows that Bitcoin is about to again climb to its new all-time peak – as in December. Whether or not there is ample demand in Bitcoin on the inventory of the flow model, a steady and predictable price spike could already occur. Meanwhile, quantitative easing and increased government debt would lead to growth in asset values and depreciation in the currency. Bitcoin will also prove to be the perfect hedge with gold already stalling.

Bitcoin is an asymmetric gamble. It feels like. If one spends what one can expect to lose, the advantage of significant upside is a minor chance of failure. Based on the impact of Bitcoin’s network, rising popularity, the unpredictable macro context, and the supply-shock that has followed this year, Bitcoin seems to exceed 2021.