5 Best Ways to Learn Coordinate Geometry


Coordinate Geometry is regarded as one of the most fascinating mathematical concepts. Coordinate geometry (also known as analytic geometry) is a branch of mathematics that explains the relationship between geometry and algebra using graphs involving curves and lines. Geometric aspects are given in Algebra, allowing students to solve geometric problems.

Introduction to Coordinate Geometry

The analysis of geometry using coordinate points is known as coordinate geometry (or analytic geometry). It is possible to find the distance between two points, divide lines in m:n ratios, find the midpoint of a line, calculate the area of a triangle in the Cartesian plane, and so on using coordinate geometry. There are a few words in Cartesian geometry that you should be aware of.

Why do we Need to Coordinate Geometry?

Coordinate geometry has various applications in real-life activities. Some of the areas where coordinate geometry is an integral part are stated below:

  • In digital devices like computers, mobile phones, laptops, and much more. to locate the position of the cursor or finger on the screen.
  • In aviation to determine the position and location of airplanes precisely without any inaccuracy.
  • In maps and in navigation (GPS) that help us find the locations.
  • To map geographical locations using latitudes and longitudes in science and geography.

5 Ways to Learn Coordinate Geometry:

Always Use Diagrams In Coordinate Geometry

The first golden rule of coordinate geometry is making use of diagrams everywhere possible to make it easy. Ascertain that all of the provided data has been converted into a diagram, thus making it very easy to understand and grasp. Make it as precise as possible because understanding the quadrants and points will help you find and solve answers quicker. In a diagram, make a note of everything you will need to solve this question of coordinate geometry.

Use Standard Comics To Eliminate Confusion

Questions in coordinate geometry that appear in the multiple-choice segment can be shortened by removing choices to avoid confusion. Using a point’s location concerning a line, circle, or other regular conic will help you figure out the options that are accurate and right. Caution: Do not use this for internet answers or subjective questions where finding this will be a waste of time. Take caution with the Be careful with the signs else the entire exercise is pointless.

Mug Less, Visualise More

Some formulas must be memorized, but the less you strain your brain with that information, the more you can use it to think from the ground up to get precise answers. The focus-directrix property for each conic, the definition of tangent and their interrelation, the direction of the circle, and so on are some of the first concepts you should be familiar with. Many questions have the potential to be understood which will give you a solid base as well.

Play With Parameters

The parametric form is the simplest of the different ways to describe points on a conic in coordinate geometry. The parametric type can also be used to quickly identify options. Furthermore, since the majority of the parameters are trigonometric quantities, manipulating equations is simpler except for parabola. The students should know all of the curves’ parametric forms and how to use them to reduce calculation time.

Check out Beneficial Websites

There are often difficult paragraphs many websites may use for theoretical parts, whether they include several conics or a mixture of triangles and circles. In the case of related comprehensions, the later questions in the paragraph often include clues to the solutions or approach to take for the first questions. Via the paragraphs and drawings, the paper setters hope to investigate a specific approach. These websites that offer more practicality and simpler language while teaching should be given a preference. Check websites that will not only help you learn but will also help you connect coordinate geometry to your day-to-day activities.