The Main Types of Solar Panels for Your Home


Solar technology moves almost as fast as the photons slamming into it. From the first photovoltaic cell in 1954 to perovskite solar panels there have been amazing achievements. Not all solar panel technologies trickle down to solar panels for home use. So what types of solar panels are the best solar panels available in the residential sector?

Keep reading to get informed on the different kinds of solar panels you can buy for your home!

Five Types of Solar Panels

There are now five types of solar panels that are commonly available across the country. Some of the technologies are only improvements on the application of older technologies, though.

  1. Monocrystalline silicon cells
  2. Polycrystalline silicon cells
  3. Thin-Film solar cells (TFSC)
  4. Solar roof shingles
  5. PERC solar panels

Keep in mind that although five options may be available, there are only three common ones right now.

Mono- and polycrystalline silicon cells are the most popular, with TFSC technology taking third place.

Solar roof shingles are becoming more popular since Tesla decided to become the spearhead for home battery and solar roof systems. Solar Panels Brisbane experts tell us that solar roof shingles are becoming more popular since Tesla decided to become the spearhead for home battery and solar roof systems. Tesla isn’t the only game in town, though they do have a head start. Solar roof shingles are getting more powerful, more efficient, and tougher.

PERC or Passivated Emitter and Rear Cell panels are a newer version of monocrystalline solar panels.

They reflect light back into the cell, increasing the amount of energy that can be extracted from the process. It also is used as an attempt to reduce the recombination of electrons.

Best Solar Panels For Your Home

There are some things to consider about the different kinds of solar panels and advice on buying solar panels that you can consider on your own.

Some solar panels are more robust and able to take a little more beating in areas that are prone to tornadoes, high winds, and hurricanes. Hail, too, is a major consideration when thinking about installing, for instance, monocrystalline solar panels.

TFSC can be made of a variety of materials and could be more robust for some applications, but with a high price tag.

With higher efficiencies, there are higher costs, but you also can use less area of the roof. If you have a small roof it’s sometimes your only option.

There are also fire ratings, temperature, and latitude to consider.

As you can see, for more detailed information, it’s important to talk to an experienced and trustworthy professional like Blue Raven Solar. They can also tell you what system will suit your home and region best.

It’s Heating Up

The technology war between different types of solar panels is getting hot. Even a small increase in efficiency can mean as much as 60 Watts of power per panel. Also, what may seem a small safety or durability increase could add years of service to your system.

Did you learn more about buying solar panels? If you want to know more about solar technology, home improvement, and science, you’re in the right place.

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