Beyond the Looks: Why Men’s Overall Health Matters and How to Improve It


Whether you are a guy who still has decades of living to do or are a bit older but still very active and eager to live life to its fullest, it’s crucial to remember how important your health is and invest in ways to improve it each year. If you’re ready to go beyond the looks and focus on ways to keep yourself in top shape physically and mentally, here are some tips to remember.

Many Problems are Easily Preventable

In years past, when men felt the need to seek out medical treatment or admitted they were struggling with their mental health, this was viewed by most people as a sign of weakness and a lack of masculinity. Fortunately, times have changed. In today’s society, men are commended for coming forward and admitting they need help with physical or emotional problems. Most major men’s health problems, such as prostate cancer or low testosterone, can be prevented with a healthy lifestyle that includes visiting your doctor for regular checkups and asking for help when suffering from a hormonal imbalance or an illness.

You’ve Only Got One Heart

Since you’ve only got one heart that works 24/7 to pump blood throughout your body, you must do everything possible to keep it as healthy as possible. This should include getting plenty of weekly aerobic exercises, such as walking, biking, swimming, or running on a treadmill. Also, pay attention to your blood pressure since high blood pressure increases your risk of having a heart attack or stroke. By visiting your doctor regularly to get checked for high blood pressure or high cholesterol, you can catch a problem in its early stages and formulate an effective course of treatment.

Decide to Eat Better

Just as the type of gas you put in your car determines how well it will run, the food you eat daily plays a large role in how energetic you will feel and what health problems you may encounter later on. Eating a diet loaded with high-fat and processed foods increases the odds of experiencing heart disease, diabetes, or other serious health conditions as you age. Instead of doing this, eat a more balanced diet, including fruits and vegetables, along with lean meats and whole grains.

Take Advantage of Health Screenings

More and more workplaces and insurance companies now actively encourage their employees and customers to take advantage of regular health screenings.

In many cases, these are free or cost only a modest amount. If you want to be a man who ages well over the years, get screened for such things as:

  • Colorectal cancer
  • Prostate cancer
  • Heart disease
  • Depression

By taking advantage of these screenings, they may potentially save your life. Since the CDC reports that 450,000 men die each year of heart disease and 60% of men who fail to exercise regularly suffer from depression, you’ve got plenty of reasons to schedule some appointments and take charge of your health moving forward.

Don’t be Embarrassed

Since medical science can now treat more and more health problems when they are detected early; you should be willing to put your macho image and ego aside long enough to admit you have a problem and have an honest discussion with your doctor. Whether you have erectile dysfunction, depression, or urinating more than ever, remember that you are not the only man dealing with these and other problems.

Once you take that first step and start discussing how you feel physically and emotionally, you will be surprised at just how common your problem is and how many treatment options may be available to get you back on track.

The Bottom Line

Study after study has shown that men not only live an average of five years less than women but are also sicker throughout their lives. For the most part, this is due to men being unwilling to take charge of their health and wellness. However, many health problems are preventable, so you should step up and make things happen. If you want to buck this trend, take some of the steps mentioned here and do all you can to live a long and healthy life.