Kids Academy Resources for Practicing Addition and Subtraction


Every child can become confident and competent in math if they start early and put in effort over time.

There are benchmarks your child must meet at each grade level. Knowing these benchmarks will allow you to be more involved in your child’s learning and will give you the tools and opportunities you need to make sure they succeed.

It can be compared to other aspects of a child’s development where you check if your kid is meeting certain milestones. They start eating solid food at about six months. They should be able to say two words and three phrases at the age of two. They will start to take their first steps at around 8-18 months of age.

There are similar benchmarks for math. However, because children grow at their own pace, there is no set timeline on when exactly this or that skill should be acquired.

Your kid should learn to count at some point. At another point, they should understand the concept of big and small when, for example, comparing portions of food.

Continue reading to find out how you can supplement your kid’s learning with digital tools by Kid’s Academy.


Table of Contents

Preschoolers can learn lots of math through their everyday activities. Learning can be made more meaningful by engaging in purposeful interactions. If you are walking up the stairs with your preschooler, count each step together. If it’s time to put away toys, count them one at a time.

Are you eating strawberries? As you eat them, count backwards. “There were three strawberries. Now there are only two!”

This stage is where pre-schoolers should be able to understand the concepts of one more or one less. If you have two strawberries and they have three, then you can ask them “Who has more strawberries?” You can even go further and say, “Look, you have one more strawberry than me!”

These purposeful interactions can be complemented with the Kids Academy Talented and Gifted app where you will find hundreds of activities such as videos, quizzes, worksheets, and many more.


Grade K

You may notice that your kindergartner is beginning to exhibit certain behaviors that are crucial for learning math. You might hear them saying, “This bag is really very heavy” or even “That’s a lot of oranges!” Or says they might start to compare themselves with others, for example, says “I’m taller than my little sister”.

Don’t worry if they aren’t there yet. There are some techniques that might help to build these behaviors. Here are some most amazing suggestions for building them.

Ask your child questions such as – “Who is taller?” and “How many fingers do we have?” Obviously, they will get interested in asking as well as answering similar questions.

Encourage them to sort different objects and put away their toys. While doing this, they will learn to identify patterns, manipulate objects and solve problems. All these are important skills for understanding how to add and subtract. In kindergarten kids should be able to add and subtract numbers up to 10.

It is easier for children to learn to understand numbers and operations through engaging activities. Kids Academy offers these fun math worksheets collections supplemented with voice overs and instant feedback to enhance your kid’s learning.

Grade K

You should also encourage your kindergartener to improve their counting skills! Move beyond counting by one to counting by twos, fives, and tens. For example, if you are walking upstairs, don’t count 1, 2, 3; say only the even numbers.

You can practice skip counting by 5 and 10 while counting coins with your child. Make sure they understand that a nickel is worth 5 cents, and a dime is worth 10 cents. Or you can also group pennies in fives and tens and use them for skip counting.

This age group may be interested in toys that come with groups of fives or tens, like abacus, for example.

Grade 1

Mastering fact families is a key benchmark in grade 1. At this age, children start to understand numbers better and get more flexible with them.

Understanding fact families is an important step towards developing this flexibility. Kids will be able to take apart numbers and put them together. Once they have mastered the basics, they can quickly do mental math.

Consider the fact families 3, 5, and 8 as an example.

3 + 5 = 8

5 + 3 = 8

8 – 3 = 5

8 – 5 = 3

Your child will see the relationship between subtracting and adding, which is an important foundation for many other math concepts. After your child becomes proficient in fact families, they will be able to move on to more complicated things.

Grade 2

In Grade 2 we will build on the knowledge acquired in grade 1, such as fact families and understanding the relationship between subtracting and adding to learn unknown components and number bonds.

Your child has already learned facts such as 3 + 5 = 8 and 8 – 5 = 3 in their previous year at school, so now it is easier for them to deal with 43 +? = 48. They can figure out that 48 – 43 is the best way to find the unknown part. Another way to solve it is to count forward from 43 to 48. If your kid can use both strategies – hats off to them!

The benchmark for Grade 2 is the ability to add and subtract within 100. Kids Academy offers a range of videos, grade 2 worksheets and games that help to master these skills.

Grade 3

Grade 3 requires that children can add and subtract 3-digit numbers without or with regrouping. Here is an example:

Grade 3

Being able to use place value to add is another benchmark, as well as learning multiplication and division facts.

It’s easier to support your child’s academic success if you know what the benchmarks for each grade are. You don’t need to look in the dark. Instead –- focus on your child and engage in meaningful interactions with them.

Kids Academy provides you with top-quality tools that will support your effort to help your child become the best version of themselves. You don’t need magic to achieve this goal, just careful nurturing.

The Talented & Gifted app by Kids Academy aims at kids aged 2-10 years. There are two ways to learn: through Adventure Land and its collection of activities, or through the structured curricula for each grade and subject. Kids can improve their English, math, social studies, and science while playing. They can also engage in themed coloring activities and learn how to play chess. Learn more interesting tips and ideas here with Quintdaily.