Seeing your employees unhappy can be distressing, especially if you have always worked to provide them with a considerate and inclusive culture. You should not give up on making your employees happy, though, and neither should you think it impossible. Their positivity and good moods are vital for your company’s success in the long run, and your employees might start to bring each other down. Instead, here are some of the steps that you should take to ensure that they stay with your company and look forward to arriving at work each day.
Speak to Them About The Issues
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Knowing what is wrong or missing in your workplace is difficult without speaking to your employees and asking them why they are unhappy. If you keep on ignoring the issue and hoping that it goes away, you should ask for their feedback, including what they do not like about your business and their working environment and what they would change. Obviously, this could be anything from the temperature of the office to the treatment by other team members.
The survey you carry out might showcase certain issues that you previously knew nothing about and can allow you to help in meaningful ways. It can also give you a starting point to work from. If you send out a survey, though, you might want to make answers anonymous to encourage your team to be truthful.
Recruit a Good HR Company
If you are overwhelmed by the situation and have too much else to do in the day-to-day running of your company, you might look into recruiting an HR company.
An HR company can be particularly useful for getting to the root of the issue and offering advice and actionable steps to create change.
By doing this, you will be able to ensure that you are compliant and that you are following in the footsteps of other top employers in your area. An HR company will check that the great atmosphere you create is easily sustainable even when they are no longer helping you. They can also help you with basics such as payroll and recruitment. This means that you should look for a company that offers HR Swindon and beyond as soon as possible after you notice a problem.
Review Your Current HR Measures
You will be unable to enact change unless you take a look at the steps you are already taking, though. Some of your HR policies might be working, while others might be contributing to your employee’s unhappiness, especially if they have not been changed or updated for many years. This might include rewriting your HR policies, such as anti-harassment ideas, and looking at your onboarding and training procedures. You will not be able to make your employees happy without change, and seeing what you already do can enable you to do just this.
Make Them Feel Valued
Many employees feel as if they are trapped within a corporate machine and that they are only pawns in a much larger game. If that is the case, you should make the effort to allow your staff to feel valued and wanted within the business.
By helping them to feel irreplaceable, you might be able to boost their productivity, growth, and contentment within your company, and increase your employee retention levels. You can do this by offering them praise, by setting up one-to-one appraisals where you can discuss what they are doing right and set individual goals, and listen to their ideas in meetings.
Improve Their Working Environment
If your office or factory is filled with hazards, as well as being damp and dark, you might find that your employees struggle to stay awake throughout the day and that they are sluggish and miserable. However, improving their working environment is not always difficult, even if this just involves investing in a dehumidifier and an air purifier, which can also prevent them from being off sick.
You might introduce office plants to your workplace, and brighten up the walls with a fresh coat of paint and a few pieces of art. You might even allow your team members to personalize their desks if they have their own workspace. It is also important to alert them to hazards, to check for toxic substances, and to put up appropriate signage that can prevent injuries and illness. Once you have done this, they might be raring to head to work each day and might even prefer this space to their own homes.