3 Tools to Automate Your Data Importing Processes


A large number of data importing tools are available to nonprofit organizations that run on Blackbaud or Salesforce software. Automating imports can minimize risks of data loss or human error that could undermine the quality and usefulness of donor and supporter records across platforms. Moving data from one type of nonprofit management software to another platform calls for specialized data collection for nonprofit organization solutions to preserve or work to improve accuracy.

What Nonprofit Management Software You Should Be Using for Easy Importing of Your Data

Several utilities are helpful for automating and tracking nonprofit donor and supporter data. The first data importing tool that you might find useful is ImportOmatic. This utility allows for faster and more reliable data importing across donor or customer relationship management software programs and other platforms used by organizations for donation processing, record-keeping or accounting purposes.

The Data Health and Integration Suite is the second Omatic offering that can be helpful for a variety of Blackbaud services as well as Salesforce for Nonprofit. When data is being imported automatically, these services help to complete and improve records while drawing attention to inconsistencies and eliminating redundant records. Over time, rather than introducing opportunities for data corruption or loss, these procedures can render records more complete than they were on the original system.

Depending on the organization, a nonprofit may need to keep track of donor or supporter names, physical addresses, phone numbers, email addresses and other helpful information. Improving records with factors such as age, gender, location and preferred methods of contact can be helpful when sending out targeted promotions. As some services are better for running certain types of charitable campaigns, it may be necessary to move data across one or more platforms.

When it comes to easily import data or performing a variety of functions, a nonprofit may benefit from implementing third-party integration solutions. Some organizations may need additional services to integrate accounting into the fundraising workflow or other bidirectional tools for moving data between management software suites such as Raiser’s Edge NXE and Salesforce nonprofit software integration.

How Automation of Your Data Can Help Your Nonprofit Organization

Automation is the best way to speed up the processes of copying, classifying or updating donor records. Rather than having staff sort through, analyze and group records, these measures can instead be performed automatically by a suite of third-party integration tools. This is where the Omatic Cloud Essentials suite for Blackbaud, Salesforce and other major nonprofit software shines.

Automated utilities can track, identify and even correct inconsistent or missing information as records are moved between platforms. Tools are also available for scoring records and handling the heavy lifting involved in segmentation for direct marketing. The tasks corresponding to a wide variety of actions and queries can be performed on-demand or scheduled to keep a nonprofit organized.


Automating data importing and exporting with the right tools can significantly enhance the availability and quality of an organization’s donor records. Putting the effort into improving an organization’s data now can pay off over subsequent rounds of fundraising.