Common Pediatric Dental Problems


Pediatric dentistry is the branch of dentistry that deals with inspecting and handling the oral health and hygiene of children.  Pediatric dentists must be adept at reducing stress, as dental treatments are commonly viewed as stressful and unpleasant experiences. It is important that children have their baby teeth routinely tested for signs of caries and tooth decay by pediatric dentists.

Pediatric Dental Issues:

There were some of the Pediatric Dental Issues you need to know. Check here in detail –

Teething Issues:

If teething is delayed in a child, a pediatric dentist should be consulted. To allow the baby to be properly weaned on solid foods, the growth of the teeth and jaws needs to be sufficient.

Misalignment of Teeth:

Crooked teeth happen when the upper and lower jaw teeth fail to meet when the jaws are closed together. That can cause eating or speaking issues. Malocclusion can cause discomfort to the insides of the mouth, gums, and tongue when biting. Dentists are able to resolve these issues by using braces and clear aligners for badly aligned teeth.

Tooth Decay:

Children are more likely to develop dental caries, and hence cavities that can open the inside dental pulp to bacteria and cause abscessed teeth. Kids tend to be more vulnerable to the oral cavity and dental decay because they are more likely to consume sugar and fat. They also are not as regular with their oral hygiene as adults might be.

Gum Disease:

Gum disease, or gingivitis, is the infection of the gums. Besides, It is caused by a poor buildup of plaque and may develop into bone degradation and tooth decay. A child’s gums are frequently swollen and bruised during the early stages of gum disease, and often bleed after flossing. Some gum disease signs include poor breath in the child’s mouth and a chronically bad taste.

Causes of Dental Decay:

  • The proof that sugar triggers tooth decay is widely known. The pH at the tooth’s surface falls in a few minutes of consuming sugar and can take 20 minutes to several hours to recover fully. The volume and “stickiness” of sugar consumption depends on the period it takes for the tooth surface pH to rise above the critical stage (at which demineralization occurs). If more sugar loads are taken on the tooth surface until the pH recovers, there will be prolonged demineralization.
  • Saliva works as a buffering effect that changes plaque pH and provides a supply of minerals such as calcium, phosphates, and fluoride, but some foodstuffs such as cheese and sugar-free gum trigger salivary flow stimulus. Abnormal saliva may increase the risk of caries.


  • Dental health education should be given to individual patients in the chair, as it has been shown that this intervention is beneficial. According to Peak Family Dental Care, a kid’s dentist in Cottonwood, AZ, the way children are taught to brush their teeth can have lasting impacts on their health.
  • You should brush your child’s teeth twice a day using a small amount of toothpaste that contains at least 1000 ppm of fluoride.
  • Reduce sugar intake in your child’s diet and consider non-sugar sweeteners.
  • Use sugar-free chewing gum.

To summarize, in many children, tooth decay and poor oral health are common. In medically disabled children the risk and possible complications of poor oral health and infections are greater. Regular visits to a pediatric dentist can ensure the health of your child and enhance their quality of life.