Oilless Air Compressors Can Help Protect the Environment With the Aid of Thorough Checks


Some industries do not require the most negligible drop of oil, which can damage the equipment for production or the product. Moreover, a damaged oil-free compressor can cause annoying downtimes or poor production quality. To eliminate machine failure or bad product quality, you need an oil-free compressor for environmental safety.

Presently, many businesses greatly concerned with how they can reduce or eliminate carbon footprint, lower carbon emissions, and waste for safe production are investing in an oilless air compressor.

How Oilless Compressor is Helping to Protect the Environment

An oilless compressor is helping the planet in the following ways:

Improved Air Quality

Investing in an oil-free air compressor means your company’s activities create an experience with improved air, compared to using an oiled compressor.

Oilless compressor does not emit hazardous waste, and the absence of oil in the machine means smoking air that pollutes the air. In this regard, the atmosphere remains greener and continues to heal from human activities.

Less Environmental Noise

Nobody loves noise, at least not anywhere. Before now, oil-free compressors had higher decibels and were unquestionably noisy. However, the design today has dual piston pumps, direct-drive and advanced sound-reducing technologies that make the machine not to be as loud as a typical oiled compressor.

Workplace Without Contaminated Oil

Compressors with oil are not suitable for some industries and would damage products. Somehow, oil contamination reduces the productions stage, meaning that even after investing more money in labour and harmful products could be produced for consumers.

However, an oilless compressor does not have a high chance of contaminating a product. No oil is needed, and so the product meets the production standard.

Less Energy Consumption

Normally, investing in an oil-free compressor means consuming less energy for production. In this regard, you do not pay expensive electric bills per month. An oil-free compressor is a spot-on investment for companies willing to save the planet while saving money.

Reduced Pressure on Other Facility Components

An oil-free compressor adds less pressure on your company’s equipment than its oiled counterpart. In this regard, you can operate other systems efficiently without bothering about environmental waste problems. When your oilless compressor operates efficiently, connected devices follow suit, and this ensures a safer environment since depending parts do not get to emit waste.

Why Your Business Must Regularly Maintain Oil-Free Compressor for Air Leaks

  • Environmental friendliness. Air leaks can cause a great loss of energy in an industrial compressed air system.When a plant is not well-maintained, the leak rate is up to 20% of the total air compressor production capacity. Air waste also means your company produces higher levels of carbon, but that could be prevented when you invest in professional compressed air maintenance. Companies are urged and charged to innovate in manners that help the planet recover, and this includes regular leak maintenance.
  • Onsite safety. Most companies have a culture that prioritises the safety of the workforce or and party that can access the production facility. When air leak happens, operating systems receive unnecessary pressure that causes equipment to malfunction. Of course, you may be running a malfunctioning machine, which puts the workforce at the risk of injury.
  • Cost-saving. Leaks in compressed air through a single 3mm hole could be costing your business £600 yearly. A small leak can quickly add up substantial costs, increasing your expenses energy bill.
  • Reduce downtime. Without air leak maintenance, your production efficiency is impacted negatively, and you will experience increased downtime, which slows down production. Your employees will experience a longer duration to complete projects since they would be battling to revive the production machine every time it breaks down.

How Can You Check for Air Leak

Ultrasonic  Technology

You can use ultrasonic leak detection to detect compressor air leaks. This technology is considered the best air leak detection method and is becoming an industry standard.

Ultrasonic detectors are portable devices with amplifiers, directional microphones, and audio filters. The earphones or visual indicators are used to help professionals check and detect the leak. Typically, the noise is directional and localised to the source, which detects the location of the most minor leaks.

Ultrasonic detectors can identify high-frequency hissing sound a leaking compressed air creates into the atmosphere, which may not be audible to the human ear. You can also use ultrasonic devices during business hours.

Physical Inspection

You can inspect your machine physically, but it takes time: mix water and a dish to form lather. Apply the soapy water to the pipes you suspect air leaks and look for bubbles.

Manually inspecting your machine in this manner is not always reliable. It takes time and requires direct access to the components, meaning that it may be challenging to tell a leaking part from a non-leaking part.


You can also listen to your machines to detect air leaks. This is the most time-taking method and works only when you suspect larger leaks. You can’t also listen for noise while production is ongoing. Moreover, you have to disable every possible sound system or a machine to detect strange sounds.