How Do You Ensure That Your Toddlers Keep Learning During the Pandemic?


Melbourne is one of the major cities in the country, and its population is projected to overtake Sydney by 2030. According to studies, factors like international and local migrations, higher birth rates, and higher life expectancy contribute to the city’s growing population.

Greater Melbourne, for one, accounts for 18.2% of the total households in the city, with over 303,000 couples. The rate of couples with young children is 33.5%, slightly higher than other capital cities in the country.

Meanwhile, although life in Melbourne has always been vibrant, the coronavirus pandemic upended the lives of families in the city. As a result, schools, including the Montessori daycare in Melbourne, ceased openings, and education momentarily sat at a standstill.

But in retrospect, it has brought families together where parents became the primary teachers in homes. So here are some of the good strategies you can employ to keep your toddlers learning during the pandemic.

Open Conversations to Drive Better Awareness

According to research, children confined in their houses without social interaction leads to depressive moods and anxieties. Therefore, it has been a prevalent topic amongst development experts because it affects the mental health of vulnerable ages. So, when doing home school programs, it is always advisable to encourage young children to ask questions to express their emotions. Children have different receptivity to stress, and it takes patience and understanding to get them involved.

Activities like drawing, painting, and storytelling can stir openness and allow your child to learn coping strategies to demonstrate their feelings. It is an aspect of learning that is both intrinsic and has a definite effect on their creativity.

Planning Your Daily Educational Routine Together

One of the effective approaches to invigorate your young child’s waning learning curiosity is to plan a routine that works towards a goal. Age-appropriate learning programs, including those practised in the Montessori daycare in Melbourne, can ensure a steady education progression throughout the pandemic.

Additionally, establishing a daily routine and educational structure is critical so children have a sense of awareness over their time. Finally, time on gadgets can also be utilised for more productive manners, including age-appropriate educational games.

It is also much better to create flexible activities, including flipping online learning programs to a more active alternative. You can also incorporate some responsibilities, including doing household chores together to help develop their fine motor skills.

Always Have a Daily Goal to Keep Your Children Busy

One of the great benefits of the pandemic is keeping the basic structures of the community intact. As a result, families have more time to spend together, creating a memorable effect on young children. And as the pandemic continues, an essential means to make each day productive is to structure a goal for them to achieve. Meanwhile, the digital divide is a challenge, but it can also be used for greater achievement.

For example, you can download early learning educational programs approved by the school to enhance learning and facilitate better home education. Nevertheless, a nurturing and encouraging environment gives young children the strength to reach their goals every day.

It is also imperative to combine learning and fun, particularly among children who easily become restless when doing mundane tasks. Therefore, incorporate a level of excitement while introducing the Montessori didactic educational material into the learning process.