What Are the Signs that a Mouse is in the House in Austin?


We all hate mice, and they are pests that can turn our house upside down. However, they are impossible to get rid of in many cities due to their numbers. But if you spot them early, you could manage to make your house mice inaccessible. According to pest control in Austin, TX here are some red flags.

Someone has bitten your food container

This is a big red flag. When you randomly spot a bitten bottle or a jar, it means there is a rodent infesting your house. Do not consume anything from that box or jar as pests like mice are hazardous and spread incurable illnesses. Salmonellosis is a bacterial infection that people can get from eating rat contaminated food. Diarrhea, fever, and stomach pains are among the symptoms, which can linger for four to seven days. A doctor would hospitalize you in difficult situations.

Food particles are littered all over the place

When it comes to rats, there are often food particles all over the house. You would be left wondering how the food got all over the place. Rats would bite rice grains, bread, or even cheese, and their pieces would be all over the place.


In dusty, less-used structures, rats make foot and tail prints. Sprinkle fine flour or talc in the area surrounding the footprints to see whether an infestation is present, then look for fresh tracks the next day.

Rat droppings

Rats generate droppings every night. Thus, they tend to congregate in certain areas. Brown rat droppings have a tapered, spindle form that resembles a giant grain of rice. These droppings are highly infectious. If you find them anywhere in your kitchen or your child’s bedroom, get pest control done as soon as possible.

There is a bad smell

If the infestation is severe, you may notice a persistent stale ammonia odor from concealed spots, suggesting an active infestation. Here, this is distinct from the stench of a dead mouse lodged in the wall or in a hidden place, an indelibly strong, spicy, and sour odor that permeates the region.

Your pets behave uniquely

In regions where rodents are present, cats and dogs (or even a pet rat or mouse) may become active and agitated, which is caused by the odor of rat urine and is particularly common when rodents have just entered a structure.

For now, this is it. However, there could be more signs which you might have noticed. If you live in a bungalow, don’t take the idea of rats lightly. They multiply quickly and could be hard to tackle. If you suspect a mouse infestation, you can use traps and poisons.