Basics of Coup and Contrecoup Injuries


Coup and contrecoup injuries are head injuries that occur due to a  forceful impact on the skull. Coup injuries take place in the direct area of impact where the brain is affected after the injury. On the other hand, contrecoup injuries take place on the opposite area of the brain where the forceful impact takes place. These injuries result in bruises On the brain.

It generally occurs when The brain strikes another surface or gets in contact with a forceful impact that affects the skull. As a result, coupe, contrecoup, and coup contrecoup injuries occur. If you have been a victim of a similar injury, it is possible to seek compensation. Make sure to consider hiring a lawyer and get an initial consultation regarding your case. They help in dividing all the necessary legal information relevant to your claim so that you get the deserved amount of compensation.

It is necessary to be aware that these types of traumatic brain injuries are considered non-penetrating injuries. Coup and contrecoup injury generally occurs when someone falls or experiences blunt force trauma due to sports accidents or car crashes.

Distinction Between Coup and Contrecoup Injuries

  • Coup injury

This injury takes place right under the area of impact experienced by the brain. It can be identified through bruising, cuts, condition, or other visible markings near the affected area. The impact of injury again has mild symptoms like bruises to severe ones like swelling of the brain and hemorrhage.

  • Contrecoup injury

These injuries affect the side area of the brain, which is in the opposite direction of the impacted area. They are generally brushed off and diagnosed improperly due to their area. Contrecoup injuries occur when a forceful blow is placed on the brain, which strikes the skull in the opposite direction of the impact. Such damage can be found in cases of motorcycle accidents and crashes. They must be diagnosed and treated immediately to avoid long-term complications and health issues.

  • Coup-Contrecoup injury

These are the most severe cases of traumatic brain injury. This is because it impacts both sides of the skull. The impact is experienced in the affected area as well as the side opposite to it. These injuries are not diagnosed properly in a lot of instances. Medical health professionals may treat only one side of the brain and ignore the other side. There is a great risk of long-term brain damage in the case of coup contrecoup injuries.

Do Read: Ways to improve the brain function