Mesotherapy for Face & Mesotherapy Face Before and After


Mesotherapy for Face is found everywhere and becoming common nowadays. Do you know how Mesotherapy Face Before and After that you will experience? Mesotherapy is the latest technique opted for by various people these days.  In this method, their use injections of vitamins, enzymes, hormones, and plant extracts. These materials help to rejuvenate and tighten skin. The method as well as used to remove excess fat and contouring.

How About Mesotherapy Face Before and After Experience?

Mesotherapy for face procedures used for various following process

  • Remove fat in several areas.
  • Reduce cellulite
  • Fade wrinkles and lines
  • Tighten loose skin
  • Recontour the body
  • Lighten pigmented skin
  • Treat alopecia problems

You can get cured of the fat from certain body parts including the stomach, thighs, buttocks, hips, legs, arms, and face. The technique is done by using very fine needles. A series of injections into the middle layer. The layer is known as the mesoderm of skin. Mesotherapy usually works to correct underlying issues. It can help to get rid of poor circulation and inflammation that cause skin damage.

Procedure for Mesotherapy for Face

Doctors use many different solutions, for mesotherapy for the face – procedure some of these are below mentioned.

  • Prescription medicines like vasodilators and antibiotics
  • Hormones such as calcitonin and thyroxin
  • Enzymes like collagenase and hyaluronidase
  • Herbal extracts
  • vitamins and minerals

During each session, according to the surgeon, the doctor may apply numbing medicine to your skin.  With the help of a short needle, the patient might get a series of injections. The needle may be attached to a machine gun and cause less pain. In this way, It can help to deliver many injections in a row. check below the mesotherapy for the face procedure.

  • The injections can be given at different depths for the contouring process.
  • Usually, it penetrates from 1 to 4 millimeters into your skin.
  • The injection depth is also depending on what condition you’re having treated for.
  • Your doctor may place the needle into your skin at an angle, to place it very quickly while injecting.
  • Each injection may only place a tiny drop of the solution into your skin to get it to work properly.
  • You’ll probably need several mesotherapy sessions for the right effect.
  • to get the desired effect you have to return to the doctor between 3 to 15 times for the sessions.
  • Initially, the patients get the injections every 7 to 10 days.
  • Well, if your skin starts to improve, the treatments will get for after long intervals.
  • If you get good results the interval may be stretched out to once every two weeks or once a month.


Mesotherapy is noninvasive and can get back to work soon. It is a promising treatment these days that works in the perfect shape of your face.  It helps for removing unwanted fat and body contouring. Professional surgeons may follow safety and effectiveness while conducting the treatment. You get perfect and long-lasting results after the treatment. It is recommended that, if you do want to try mesotherapy, you must choose a licensed doctor. Choose a lot of experienced doctors for the procedure which will ultimately help minimize side effects.