6 Ways Seniors Can Look After Their Mental Health


Physical, Social, and Emotional Factors Influence the Well-Being of Older Adults. Prioritizing mental health should be a lifelong commitment. As we age, it’s likely we’ll experience shifts in our daily routines. Several of these transitions are exciting while others are much more challenging.

Issues related to physical condition, memory loss, and loneliness can all contribute to seniors’ vulnerability to mental health problems. The Centers for Disease Control as well as for Prevention

(CDC) and the National Association of Chronic Disease Directors (NACDD) estimate that 20 percent of adults 55 and older face such concerns, with anxiety, severe cognitive impairment, and mood disorders being the most common conditions.

Protecting your real mental health has never been more significant. Simple changes you can make on your own as well as proactively seeking out professional expertise that may include home health care services can help you stay sharp and improve your overall well-being.

Get Active

Physical activity is as good for the mind as it is the body. Whether you take a daily walk, attend dance classes, or practice yoga, getting up and moving as much as you’re able to is a proven mood-booster and can help reduce symptoms of mental health disorders. On top of that, getting to see the physical benefits of exercise firsthand can also help you feel happier and more energetic.

Play Brain Games

Cognitive health and mental health go hand-in-hand. If a person struggles to think clearly and remember things, they may understandably grow confused and anxious. However, by taking action to stay alert and stimulate your brain, you, in turn, promote positive thoughts and feelings.

Games and puzzles are particularly effective ways to put your cognitive skills to work. From Sudoku to jigsaw puzzles, these activities require focus and keep your mind engaged. Games can be a great social opportunity too, which has its own mental health perks!

Stay Connected

Humans inherently need social interaction. But as a result of health and mobility issues, older adults are often left feeling lonely and isolated. Spending quality time with loved ones and finding ways to make new connections is crucial to mental well-being.

Consider joining a senior meetup group in your community or check if there’s a nearby senior center that hosts gatherings and events. If you can’t easily get out and about, social media and online classes are other effective options to maintain close relationships as well as meet new people.

Home care agencies are excellent resources and can provide services related to companionship and personal care. These types of caregivers not only offer invaluable emotional support, but can also help with other tasks including household chores, meal preparation, and errands.

Try Something New

Maybe you’ve always wanted to learn how to paint, sing, play an instrument, or something else entirely. Whatever it is, your golden years are the perfect time to pursue it! A new hobby can help you further explore your passions, interact with like-minded individuals, and increase your happiness. The more time and effort you dedicate to it, the better you’ll get, meaning you can feel proud of the work you’ve put into developing a new skill. Pastimes also create unique communities, and with them comes a sense of belonging and comfort.


After many seniors retire and their children are grown, it can be difficult to find the same sense of purpose and fulfillment they once did. Volunteering can be a rewarding way to make a difference in your local community. Food pantries, hospitals, and schools can all use extra hands to touch and impact the people they serve.

By giving with your time, you’ll be helping others but also helping yourself feel needed and valued. Bonus: volunteering may be an opportunity to socialize more and boost physical activity – also good for your mental health.

Talk to a Professional

While friends and family offer valuable support, seeing a medical social worker can provide a fresh perspective on your mental health. These trained professionals can help you work through tough emotions and supply resources and tactics for managing anxiety, depression, and other mental hurdles.

As judgment-free listeners, you can feel more comfortable raising topics that may be hard to talk about with others. Some even offer in-home services for a more pleasant and accommodating environment.

Where Do I Go From Here?

Looking after your mental health is essential to making the most of your golden years. The key is taking small but intentional steps every day. By putting one or all of the above recommendations into practice, you can positively impact your mental health journey – now and in the future. Stay updated with quintdaily for yet another informative update soon.