How to increase FPS in Warzone 2


If you’re an avid gamer, you know how important it is to have smooth and seamless gameplay. After all, if your game lags or encounters too many frames per second (FPS) drops, then you won’t be able to enjoy the game as much. That being said, FPS can be a major issue in Warzone 2. If you’ve been struggling with low FPS in Warzone 2 and want to increase it, then this blog post is for you! Here we will look at different ways that you can optimize your settings to get the best performance out of Warzone 2.

Warzone 2 Overview

Warzone is a 1st-person shooter video game launched and created by Infinity Ward as well as published by Activision. It was released on October 25, 2019, for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. The game is a sequel to the 2013 video game Call of Duty: Ghosts, and is the first title in the series to be developed by Infinity Ward under Activision’s new three-year development cycle.

The game is set shortly years after a global terrorist attack has left the United States irreparably damaged. Players assume the role of mercenaries who undertake various missions across the globe in an attempt to earn money to rebuild their lives. The game features two modes: “Mercenary Mode”, which focuses on competitive multiplayer action; and “Warzone Mode”, a mode that pits players against each other in a battle royale-style fight to be the last person standing.

In Warzone mode, players are dropped into a large map with up to 150 other players. The objective is to scavenge for weapons and supplies and eliminate all other players on the map. The last player standing wins the match.

What Graphics Settings to Use

If you want to increase your FPS in Warzone, you need to make sure you’re using the right graphics settings. Here are some tips on what settings to use:

Use the lowest possible graphics settings. This will help improve your FPS by freeing up resources that would otherwise be used by higher-resolution graphics.

Turn off any unnecessary features like anti-aliasing and shadows. These can have a big impact on your FPS without providing much in the way of visual improvement.

Adjust your resolution down from 1440p or 4K if you’re finding your FPS is low. A lower resolution will put less strain on your GPU and can help improve performance.

By following these tips, you can ensure that you’re using the optimal graphics settings for Warzone and giving yourself the best chance of achieving a high framerate.

Use any Warzone 2 FPS Booster

If you’re looking for a way to give yourself a competitive edge in Call of Duty: Warzone, you may be interested in using a Warzone 2 FPS booster. While there is no one perfect solution for increasing your FPS, there are a few things you can do to give yourself a boost.

The best option is to use a program like Razer Cortex to optimize your PC’s performance. Razer Cortex can help improve your FPS by optimizing your PC’s settings and freeing up resources that may be being used by other programs.

How to Change Server in Warzone 2

If you’re looking for a way to give your Warzone 2 game a performance boost, one option is to change your server. The reason this can help is that different servers can have different hardware and connection speeds, which can affect your game’s FPS.

To change your server in Warzone 2, first, open the game’s console by pressing the tilde key (~). Then, type in the following command:

set g_server “server_name”

Replace “server_name” with the name of the server you want to join. You can find a list of available servers by typing “status” into the console. Once you’ve entered the command, press Enter and then quit out of the console. When you restart Warzone 2, it will connect you to the new server.

2nd Option

Change Server in Warzone 2 With LagoFast

  1. Step 1: Free Download LagoFast.
  2. Free Download.
  3. Find Warzone 2 in LagoFast.
  4. Step 3: Choose the server you want to change in Warzone 2.
  5. Step 4: Choose a Node (Optional)
  6. Step 5: Start and Enjoy!


Increasing your FPS in WarZone 2 is not as hard as it may seem. By following the tips and tricks outlined in this article, you should be able to boost your frame rate and enjoy a better gaming experience. Be sure to optimize your graphics settings, update drivers, disable background applications and services, use game boosters or overclocking tools, reduce resolution scaling, and add more RAM for maximum performance. All of these techniques can help you maximize your FPS potential with Warzone 2 so that you can get the most out of every match. Know more informative ideas and tips here with Quintdaily.