Fresh Social Media Post Ideas for Managers to Increase Activity


Social media is still one of the best ways for businesses in any field to reach and connect with their target audience. If you want to attract and convert social media users into paying clients, you only need the right content to share with them.

We know how hard it is for social media marketers to always come up with new and exciting ideas to keep their social followers interested and entertained. So, you must check Facebook and Instagram analytics regularly and work on them accordingly.

What Works Well On Instagram?

  • People spend 80% more time watching videos, but pictures still get more attention than videos.
  • #Love, #Instagood, #me, #Cute, and #Follow are the most used keywords on Instagram.
  • At least 56% more people interact with posts with another handle.
  • There are 12.6% more interactions with posts with at least one word.
  • Location-tagged posts get 79% more likes and comments.
  • 38% more people like photos with faces.

Ideas for Social Media Updates

How-To Posts On Instagram?

If you want to show how to use a product, Instagram Stories and Saved, Stories are the best places to do so. A step-by-step guide gives your Instagram followers helpful information and showcases your product’s glory, from design to packaging to color and size.

A “how-to” post would work well for beauty items, fashion, crafts, hair, cooking, technology, or any other gadget that can be shown in action. The key is ensuring your how-to is straightforward, fun, and simple. Remember that your goal is to make people want to buy your goods.


Have you already used Boomerang? It’s an Instagram camera app lets you make short movies that loop independently. Your brand can try Boomerang to meet new people, show off a new product, or show off a skill or technique.

This kind of post is perfect for capturing these little moments in time. Boomerang is excellent because it makes music sound like it was made in a studio without buying expensive gear. From your office, it’s easy to set up the perfect Boomerang.

Highlight Business News

List news sources in your field, such as websites or trade magazines. Find them on Twitter as well as start following them. Share their posts with your followers by retweeting or posting them on another social media site like Facebook or Google+.

Run A Contest

Encourage people to enter a contest about your company on social media to get people already following you to interact with you more. Competitions help get more users because people who still need to follow your page must do so to participate.

Put The Focus On Your Customers

What better way to show that you value your customers than to shout them out? Instead of simply retweeting mentions of your company on Twitter, consider launching a campaign that features your consumers in a more prominent role.

For example, you could have a “customer of the week” program that recognizes and rewards your loyal customers.

Case studies of customers are shown on Sprout. These studies show companies that use our software how much we appreciate them and give potential customers social media ideas they can use themselves.

Share The Work Of Influencers

Think about creating sponsored or joint material with influential people. But how do you find the right ones for your brand? The Sprout Social Index TM found that creators who work with brands value authenticity above all else. Hence, partnering with influencers whose followers represent your target demographic makes sense.

If you come across any influencer videos featuring your company, get their approval before reposting the films on your brand’s profile. It’s a quick and easy way to show people who like your brand who else likes it. Stay tuned with Quintdaily for more amazing informative tips.