5 Excellent Ways Of Improving Your Kitchen


Kitchen remodeling is one of the most common projects homeowners undertake in the US. And it’s not just because of the value it makes to a property listed for sale but also because it offers immense satisfaction to you as a person when you use it to prepare food.

Statistics show that the recovery percentage for a complete kitchen renovation is 75%, while for a kitchen upgrade, it is 67%. These numbers can vary between different states and cities. For instance, in places like San Diego and Fresno in the state of California, the recouped costs can range between 60% and 83%.

On the joy score meter, both complete renovations and upgrades of the kitchen registered a rating of 9.8 out of 10 based on customer survey responses. In fact, 94% of people stated that their desire to be home grew significantly since completing a complete kitchen remodel. Also, 86% of people said they had more fun at home after renovating the kitchen.

Are you a resident of Fresno and looking for a much-needed kitchen upgrade or remodel? Well, what are you waiting for? Here are a few exciting ways in which you can revamp the kitchen in your home:

1. Reface the cabinets and drawers

Refinishing the cabinetry and other woodworking inside the kitchen is among the most popular remodeling tasks people perform. Using more modern materials like synthetic wood or glass finishing has become popular. Fresno cabinet refacing professionals can assist you during these projects by advising on the style and aesthetic you want to go with.

People are also using darker shades for their cabinet surfaces as they offer more subtle and elegant looks. Uniforming the fridge, dishwasher, and sometimes oven doors with the rest of the cabinets has been a common trend for a long time, but nowadays, the usage of more contemporary materials and styles is adding more aesthetic appeal to this aspect.

2. Add a separate dining area

For a long time, kitchens have been regarded as the heart and soul of a home. One of the main reasons for this is that these spaces serve as the area where the entire family gets together for at least two meals every day. These moments are opportunities to share feelings, emotions and create memories with loved ones.

For this reason, a dining area within the kitchen appeals to most homeowners. A modest dining table with just four chairs but with that classy touch is in fashion these days. Of course, your table can be bigger depending on the number of members in the family or the number of guests you frequently have over. Either way, adding a dining area to the kitchen is a worthy upgrade.

Even for resale purposes, realtors across the country are stressing that buyers gravitate toward kitchen islands serving as a dine-in option. A functionally designed space with modern lighting elements, a hint of natural or artificial greenery, and some chic furniture can make the space a vision out of a dream.

3. Consider doubling the number of fixtures and appliances in the kitchen

For many modern homes, easier working spaces in the kitchen for two or more people are increasingly becoming a preference. Much like a “hers and his” arrangement in contemporary bathrooms, families are on the lookout for spacious kitchens that have a host of modern appliances and also come with double the number of fixtures.

There is a way to make a kitchen appear more valuable, spacious, and exciting by investing in the most state-of-the-art appliances and exploring options for adding more. You can try a double dishwasher, electric cooktops or gas ranges, farm sinks, and other appliances that help you bake and cook not just at leisure but also when there is a party being hosted at your place.

Basically, what you are looking to do is create a space where more than two people can easily work without constantly bumping into each other. You can also try adding a large pantry space, as that is another feature that looks quite fancy and elevates the functional aspect of the kitchen.

4. Upgrade the kitchen countertops

In the olden days, there were only limited options for adding a countertop in the kitchen. That is no longer the case because nowadays, there is an almost unlimited range to choose from. The diverse range of materials you can explore countertops includes marble, granite, wood, synthetic materials like quartz, and even stone.

Many interior designers these days are opting for quartz because new home buyers are showing a preference for it and there are a host of other benefits associated with it too. The material is low maintenance, highly resistant to stains since it is non-porous, and is one of the strongest materials currently available on the market. In addition, quartz exudes that luxurious vibe that uplifts the kitchen and makes you feel even more special when working in it.

5. Create an open layout

If there is any opportunity to convert the kitchen to an open-plan kitchen, do it without hesitation. Spend money on a spacious layout. Family members can see one another thanks to this design fad even when they are not in the same room. People now prefer a single, spacious level instead of the earlier fashion of having two steps leading into your family area.

In these times when every family member is hard-pressed because of their schedules, it’s a huge benefit to be able to help with schoolwork while making the evening meal. The allure of adopting a spacious open plan is for the eating and cooking to be part of the activity when all family members get together at any time during the day.

Do Read: Tips for Home Decor


There is a reason why many homeowners and potential buyers base their decision of staying in a place or purchasing it based on the kitchen. It is the space where family members have the opportunity to sit together and talk about their lives. It is also the place where many unforgettable memories are shared. So, it doesn’t hurt to show the space some love occasionally.