5 Newborn Care Tips for Parents


Congratulations on your little bundle of joy! There is no better feeling than holding your newborn in your arms for the first time. You might completely forget what you went through to experience this precious moment. However, many new parents feel panic setting in after their initial elation. The thought that you are responsible for this tiny, fragile life is enough to make for an intimidating journey back home.

But you can relax. Yes, newborns are delicate and require a lot of care, but it is easier to take care of them than we might think. Proper guidance and help from medical professionals and experienced individuals will help you find parenthood manageable. Also, remember that every parent’s experience is different. Don’t be afraid to rely on your partner during this period, and ask for help. Most importantly, take this time to bond with your infant and enjoy the journey.

We’ve listed some tips below to help make your journey into parenthood smoother.

1. Monitor your infant

Babies are vulnerable during the first few months of their life. So you need to keep a close eye on your baby to check for any abnormal signs or symptoms that may arise after birth. Medical negligence during labor can result in birth injuries like cerebral palsy in infants. After seeking medical help, you should consult cerebral palsy attorneys to receive financial compensation for the malpractice. This monetary compensation will help you to provide adequate assistive care, surgeries, physical and speech therapies, medication, etc for your child. Get an attorney you trust to help you through this difficult time.

Early signs of cerebral palsy include stiff muscles, excessive drooling, or difficulty feeding. Some symptoms might appear late, and your child might not get diagnosed with the condition immediately after birth. That is why it is imperative to access information and watch out for any possible signs and symptoms as your infant grows up.

2. Time for food

Babies don’t have many hobbies except eating and sleeping. You’ll need to feed your little one around 8-12 times every 24 hours. Even if your baby sleeps for long intervals, wake them up to feed them. You’ll notice signs that your baby is hungry before they start crying. For example, if they open and close their mouth frequently, become fussy and restless, or smack their lips, it might mean they’re hungry. Watch out for these cues to avoid a tiny meltdown!

Before leaving the hospital, mothers should consult the onboard lactation consultant to help with latching. Often babies have difficulty latching on and feeding, so call for help in the hospital, or arrange a private consultation with a lactation expert.

Lastly, don’t be disheartened if you can’t breastfeed your baby. Doctors recommend breastfeeding for at least six months, but not every woman can do that. High-quality baby formulas are a perfectly acceptable and safe option for anyone who wants to give their baby a bottle

3. Sleep time for the baby and parents

Newborns sleep around 16-17 hours but wake up after short intervals. You might find yourself exhausted from being up and alert constantly. To take better care of the infant, nap while your baby sleeps. Both parents can take turns waking up with the baby in a two-parent household. That way, both of you can get adequate sleep.

Secondly, establish a sleep routine for the baby if possible. If you’re wondering how to get your baby to nap for longer, consider establishing a sleep routine for the baby if possible or visit Nested Bean for more information.  To encourage the baby to sleep according to schedule, you can try swaddling them, reading to them, or singing a lullaby. If your baby sleeps longer during the day, you can try waking them up after they’ve completed a 2-hour nap.

Always put your newborn down to sleep on their back, and never their side or stomach. This reduces the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

4. Bathing your baby

Baths are essential to prevent rashes and diseases in babies. Before your baby’s umbilical cord stump drops, sponge baths are better. Clean the infant’s face with a damp and clean washcloth gently. Do not use soap on the baby’s face as it might get into their eyes. Then clean the rest of their body with mild soap applied on a damp washcloth. Make sure to clean their skin folds and dry them properly to avoid rashes. You may use a baby moisturizer after the bath to prevent dry skin.

After your infant’s umbilical cord stump has dropped off, you can give them proper baths. Support their head and neck properly during the process.

5. Don’t be afraid to ask for help

New parents often feel overburdened after giving birth. During this time, let others help you. If you have people around you with kids, ask them for tips on managing your infant and taking care of yourself. Involve your partner in all aspects of child care, including bath time, changing diapers, waking up with the baby, soothing your fussy infant, and feeding. If someone offers to help you clean up or cook, thank them and let them.

If your parents propose to stay with you after your delivery, gladly welcome them. They can help with the baby or around the house. Ask for help with the bigger things so you dedicate your time to your infant. That way, you can spend these precious moments with your little one.

When taking your baby out for the first time, enlist the help of an experienced and trusted acquaintance. It can be quite formidable to venture out with an infant for the first time, and it might be helpful if someone goes along with you.


Parenthood is a magical experience. After the birth of a child, parents should spend time connecting with their infant. Since newborns are very vulnerable, observe them constantly. But most importantly, enjoy this time with your baby and partner. Talk to your baby since they recognize their parent’s voices. Also, skin-on-skin contact helps parents develop a closer bond with their babies.

Caring for a newborn might seem overwhelming. However, adequate attention and love are all they need to grow up well and strong.