Have You Heard the Myths About San Francisco Auto Transport

Myths About San Francisco Auto Transport

People living on one coast, like in the San Francisco area, with the intention of moving to the east coast, across the country, might consider shipping their auto instead of driving to avoid excessive mileage.

Many hesitate, however, because many misconceptions confuse prospective clients about what’s fact and myth. Instead of avoiding what could benefit you, it’s wise to research or reach out to an expert in the industry to fact-check any details causing concern.

Unfortunately, quite a few myths exist about auto transport. Many are prevalent with ready details debunking them, and that’s what we’re about to do. With the correct information, you can make a more informed decision about transporting your vehicle from coast to coast.

Let’s examine a few common myths most people presume to be accurate, causing them to avoid shipping their cars.

What’s Keeping You from Having Your Car Transported to Its New Destination

When you must decide whether to drive a vehicle from San Francisco to the other side of the United States, many people balk at the thought of putting that kind of wear and tear on their car. It can lead to premature mechanical problems plus excessive mileage.

But some are hesitant to ship their autos because they’ve heard things that make them believe transport is not suited for their particular circumstances. Often ideas pass from less-than-reliable resources and can’t fully be trusted as facts.

When receiving information that concerns you, it’s important to either go directly to the source or the expert in the industry or research for more credible facts, especially if this is a service you want to take advantage of.

Learn ideas about car shipping you might not have thought of at https://mycarvoice.com/news/3-aspects-of-car-shipping-you-havent-thought-about/#, and then let’s look at some misconceptions to clarify the details.

When transporting a car, there’s only one carrier possibility

Some people envision the open trailers they see on the highway carrying loads of vehicles and believe that’s the only choice for car shipment, but that would be a myth.

While this is recognized as the easiest, most straightforward, and cheapest method, it’s also seen as the riskiest with the greatest potential for damage since the cars are exposed to the elements, pests, debris, dirt and dust, and birds.

A safer choice, albeit with an added cost, is the enclosed trailer, where the vehicle is fully protected through the entire ride on all sides.

You can save money by simply driving your car

Vehicle owners are under the impression that San Fransisco auto transport services are far too costly for the average person to be able to budget for the expense. Many would be surprised at the costs they would save with car shipments over driving their auto across the country, particularly considering the price point for regular fuel.

The indication is that if you drive coast to coast in a luxury vehicle with a need to refuel several times, you will have spent more than a car transport service fee.

That’s not considering the potential for an accident along the journey, excessive wear and tear, plus the added mileage.

These things will require a visit to the mechanic for early servicing and possible fixes.

The distance to be driven is the determining factor when assessing transport costs by the shipping companies

Distance is one of the variables car shipping companies must use when estimating the final cost for transporting, but other components go into that figure.

How difficult the route is can affect the cost; if the destination is challenging to access for the carrier, it can impact the fees, the size of your auto will play into the final amount, plus experiencing extreme weather while transporting.

If it’s a relatively smooth transition, the price will reflect that. Read what to consider when hiring a car transport business.

Inoperable cars are not allowed for shipment services

Any auto can be shipped whether it is functional or not. Often classic cars are at some stage of restoration when they’re transported, unable to be turned over, but the only way to relocate the vehicle is to have it shipped.

As a rule, these are prized possessions that the owners will pay considerably to have shipped under the most protected conditions and usually with expedited services.

Final Thought

If you do a bit of research, you’ll find there are so many more misconceptions relating to car transport, but there is just as much credible information debunking these false ideas. Finding reputable, quality resources to get the facts or going to the primary source is essential.

If you want to take your auto to the other side of the US from San Francisco, reach out to a local car shipping company. You’re bound to find the answers you need to book a transport and ultimately save the exertion on your auto.