A smoker’s guide to embracing vaping and reclaiming your health

vaping and reclaiming your health

There is no country on this earth that is still ignorant about the negative and damaging effects of smoking cigarettes and other tobacco products. Just under a quarter of the world’s population is still using tobacco, and while the geographical spread of smokers has shifted considerably, the effect on the world’s health is still as significant.

Over the last decade or two, vaping has been eased into society as an effective method of easing an individual off smoking cigarettes into an alternative habit which is less damaging, but that still gives the same feeling and pleasure. While the general trend is for non-smokers to remain exactly that – non-smokers who do not need to vape, moving cigarette smokers onto vaping is seen as a massive step forward in protecting someone’s overall health.

Avoiding disposables

The key is to ensure that the right approach to vaping is encouraged. Most responsible vaping companies do not want to be encouraging non-smokers or young teenagers to buy their products. Unfortunately, the market is unregulated, and the market is flooded with brightly coloured, fruit flavoured, low cost disposable vapes which are accessible to the younger demographic.

This is not true vaping. This is an exploitative business which preys on young and impressionable minds, drawing them into bad habits before they have had a chance to truly understand what damage these disposables can do to both their health, and the environment.

Setting yourself up to move away from tobacco

When giving up smoking, there are two aspects that you need to take into account – the addictive element of nicotine, and the psychological habit. Both play their part in keeping you within that smoking cycle, so understanding yourself and how you can approach both will enable you to move more successfully and more quickly away from tobacco.

A gradual reduction in nicotine

A responsible vaping manufacturer will help you to gradually reduce the amount of nicotine you imbibe. In initial investment in quality vaping hardware will set you up –  brands such as Horizon Tech, Xros, Aspire and Hohm Tech will give you a good foundational starter kit. While you may initially need vaping liquids which contain a higher level of nicotine, over time you can gradually reduce this down without compromising the equipment you have. Thus, you will find that within a few weeks you are consuming less than half the nicotine you used to, without even realizing it.

Consequently you will have managed to wean yourself off the more addictive element of smoking without having to make any real changes to your daily habits.

Changing habits

Changing the habit of smoking is more difficult. We tend to cling to our routines and rituals as a form of comfort blanket during challenging times, or as a framework for life. Ask any smoker who is attempting to give up, there are certain times during the day when it is more difficult than other times. Maybe it is that first one in the morning, or with your first cup of coffee during the day, or lighting up after a meal – these are the times when you may most find yourself wavering, engaged in a heated discussion with your inner voice who is trying to persuade you that one little cigarette really won’t matter.

Vaping will not only do away with the need to worry about stopping the habit, but will actually allow you to continue ‘smoking’ but without the more dangerous element of the nicotine of the chemicals in cigarettes. Once that nicotine element has been eliminated, you can then look at tackling the habit element.