Kerala Lottery Result Today Win Win W440 – 25.12.2017


Kerala Lottery Result: The official Win Win 440 Lottery results for the Kerala Lottery has been made live from Sree Chitra Auditorium. The declaration of Today Kerala Lottery Result W440 made live as per scheduled. The 65 Lakhs Winning Kerala Bagyakuri Win Win Lottery updated the Series W440 Sale has been started from 18th December 2017 throughout Kerala and the sale ended by today (25.12.2017) afternoon. As it sounds like a Christmas Day and Kerala Lottery department has been figured out the Christmas Winner of Kerala Bagyakuri couple of seconds ago. This awesome information made thrilled the aspirants of Kerala Lottery ticket W440 Scheduled for this Monday draw.

To Check Kerala Lottery Result Today Win Win W440 – 25.12.2017:

As the declaration of the Previous draw made saw the lucky winner from Kottayam district of number WP 491648. Well, the Kottayam district, as well as all other people, are very much excited about the luck of Christmas Day 2017. Well, this Bagyakuri not only awards 65 lakhs winning, apart from the same, it is excited to award 12 aspirants with 2 lakhs each and other 12 with 1 lakhs each and 4 digit series winners with 5000/- to 100/- prizes are also made available for this series Kerala bagyakuri. As there were Kerala Win Win made its 440th draw on this Christmas day and the declared winning numbers can be able to view the results here from 4.30 Onwards today.

The Winning numbers of the W440 lottery will be reflected on this page in a detailed structure which brings Winning Numbers along with the area in which Win Win W440 awarded the official winning. Thus, aspirants are easy to check whether their district awarded the winning or can predict which agency has got the luck.

Check Your Results: 😮

1st Prize- Rs :6,500,000/- WG 558453 (THRISSUR)
Consolation Prize- Rs. 10,000/- WA 558453 WB 558453 WC 558453 WD 558453
WE 558453 WF 558453 WH 558453 WJ 558453
WK 558453 WL 558453 WM 558453
2nd Prize- Rs :200,000/- WA 354917 (ERNAKULAM)
WB 714840 (PALAKKAD)
WC 186461 (PALAKKAD)
WE 237706 (THRISSUR)
WF 775096 (KOTTAYAM)
WG 725976 (PALAKKAD)
WH 169314 (THRISSUR)
WJ 456807 (KOLLAM)
WK 853447 (THRISSUR)
WL 859984 (PALAKKAD)
3rd Prize- Rs :100,000/- WA 256178 (WAYANAD)
WC 855388 (THRISSUR)
WE 744875 (WAYANAD)
WG 460755 (KOLLAM)
WJ 692871 (PALAKKAD)
WM 259138 (WAYANAD)
4th Prize- Rs. 5,000/- 0831 2472 2772 2999 3488
4049 7696 7866 8171
5th Prize- Rs. 2,000/- 1595 2537 2862 2918 3014
3246 3973 5641 5692 6479
7469 9441
6th Prize- Rs. 1,000/- 0032 0201 0341 0789 1019
1239 1310 2405 2488 2798
3148 3155 3292 3395 3521
3872 3904 4217 4281 4782
4828 5433 6511 7563 7577
8703 9206 9587 9728 9864
7th Prize- Rs. 500/- 0405 0498 0526 0576 0599
0765 0774 0936 0962 1201
1264 1646 1788 2037 2076
2349 2452 2717 2795 2826
2856 3376 3578 3895 4376
4386 4496 4788 5547 5767
6039 6085 6770 7090 7574
8273 8436 8468 8623 8936
9014 9460
8th Prize- Rs. 100/- 0013 0189 0232 0558 0699
0741 0748 0908 0991 1119
1218 1357 1569 2033 2083
2299 2395 2519 2564 2613
2655 2721 3009 3051 3146
3169 3187 3285 3396 3499
3692 3704 3714 3750 3784
3799 3841 4063 4339 4443
4658 4814 4869 4902 4986
4989 5124 5712 5720 5746
5985 6264 6319 6383 6526
6584 6600 6614 6639 6654
6686 6868 6898 7003 7026
7106 7141 7174 7349 8329
8384 8619 8828 8835 8878
9052 9158 9192 9196 9228
9562 9573 9618 9913 9992

The more detailed information regarding Kerala Lottery Result Today Win Win W440 dated on 25.12.2017, and if you got any further doubts regarding the same, please drop us a query.