Kerala Lottery Result 27.5.2018 Pournami RN341

Kerala Lottery Result 27.5.2018 Pournami RN341
Pournami RN341

Pournami RN341: The State Lottery Update for the Kerala Lottery Result 27.5.2018 has been today focussed over 341st draw of Pournami. As it seems like, the 50 Lakh Pournami of Sunday Here for today with their 341st draw to figure out at 4.30 PM at the East Fort Center. There were plenty of aspirants from Various part of Kerala made them prepared for this Sunday Lucky update.

As the Sale of Pournami Lottery Ticket for the RN 341 series started from 20/05/2018 with proper recognition from Deputy Director. Well seems like Sale made a Big performance update during this whole week. Most of the daily aspirants gone down for Pournami Bagyakuri due to the Changes made in its prize money recently in this Summer. In fact, at a time, some newbies started focussing more on the Weekend updates and luckily Pournami Stabilizes because of the same.

Kerala Lottery Result 27.5.2018 Pournami RN341 in Detail:

During the Previous Update, it has been seen that RN 202227 seems like a fancy number won the 1st Prize for RN 340 Series. That happened really in the district of Trivandrum and luckily the sale for last week of May 2018 was an Outstanding one. The Changes happened in the Prize money of Consolation prizes not really disappointed the unlucky winner of the same number with other Subseries for the previous draw.

How to Check Your Pournami RN341 Lottery Results Online?

You may see various website reporting the results online with some in docs, some in pdf and some other direction. You can opt anything, the only thing you need to consider it with the series, subseries, as well as date of draw, reported over Pournami Lottery ticket of your RN 341st series matches with the Winning Numbers. If yes, stay hold with the results by cross-checking the 1st Prize, as well as Parallel, arranged barcode with government Kerala Lottery logo at front side of the lottery ticket.

Important Things to Remeber while Checking Kerala Pournami Lottery RN 341:

  • Ticket Name: Pournami Bagyakuri.
  • Ticket Series: RN 341.
  • Result Declaration Date: 27.5.2018
  • Signature Mentioned by Director at the front end.
  • Parallel Arranged Barcode at Front Bottom of Pournami Ticket RN 341.
  • Mentioning Govt. Seal as well as Agency Seal at the Backside of Pournami Lottery RN 341.

Check Your Results:

1st Prize- Rs :5,000,000/-
RA 764974 (PALAKKAD)

Consolation Prize- Rs. 25,000/-
RB 764974 RC 764974 RD 764974 RE 764974
RF 764974 RG 764974 RH 764974 RJ 764974
RK 764974 RL 764974 RM 764974

2nd Prize- Rs :500,000/-

3rd Prize- Rs :200,000/-
RJ 384233 (PALAKKAD)

4th Prize- Rs. 5,000/-
0215 0481 1151 3560 5393
5724 5873 8205 9347

5th Prize- Rs. 2,000/-
0664 1157 1387 2586 4557
5996 6431 7797 8564 9537

6th Prize- Rs. 1,000/-
0074 0095 1040 1652 2382
2793 3105 3224 3570 3639
3827 4422 4694 5171 5218
5220 5267 5447 5846 6602
6640 6695 6727 6877 7072
8419 8560 8598 8792 9312
9318 9444 9902

7th Prize- Rs. 500/-
0042 0233 0527 0673 1037
1061 1458 1467 1841 1923
2590 2606 2634 2720 2808
2842 3071 3144 3195 3258
3421 3640 3857 3943 4049
4227 4245 4448 4560 4774
4967 4969 6040 6183 6219
6813 6826 7288 7612 7953
8159 8548 8826 8845 8915
9369 9565 9679

8th Prize- Rs. 100/-
0110 0186 0355 0725 0774
1009 1514 1598 1604 1825
1903 1924 1935 2008 2045
2051 2338 2361 2499 2528
2598 2639 2787 2865 2874
2880 2980 3040 3066 3128
3176 3374 3502 3587 3705

3836 3995 4109 4133 4231
4305 4310 4356 4360 4552
4578 4594 4663 4675 4788
4924 4953 4972 5062 5078
5091 5170 5175 5223 5262
5301 5420 5585 5863 5893
5936 5945 6051 6058 6115
6145 6166 6350 6354 6355
6362 6417 6422 6591 6663
6673 6734 7158 7180 7248
7277 7308 7424 7516 7524
7580 7662 7673 7776 7821
7841 7902 8059 8160 8546
8578 8695 8765 8862 9063
9432 9572 9798 9865 9989

Final Verdict:

If you need to know more about the Kerala Lottery Result 27.5.2018 for the May Last draw of Sunday’s Pournami RN341 ticket as well Queries, Suggestions regarding the same, feel free to ask us using the comment box below.