Kerala Lottery Result 2.6.2018 Karunya KR348


Kerala Lottery Result 2.6.2018: The 348th draw of Karunya Bagyakuri on Saturday has been announced. The official draw declaration made from Trivandrum for the Big Blockbusters under Kerala Lotteries. The 80 Lakh winning Kerala Lotteries has really made a Successful collection for this Weekend. Well, Seems like the First draw of Karunya on June 2018 Season and the Opportunity of Winning a draw at Rainy Season has comes true.

During the Fear of Nipah virus in town, People were hard to step down from home for collecting the ticket. This should be appreciated mostly in the part of regions like Kozhikode and Nearby cities. Well, it seems like this weekend sale were many outcomes produced at the district of Kozhikode and Thrissur as well as seems like hard to believe. Let us discuss in detail on Karunya Lottery for the KR 348 ticket update.

Kerala Lottery Result 2.6.2018 Karunya KR348 in Detail:

KR 348 Series of Karunya Lottery Ticket was found with its sale has been started by 26/05/2018. All Kerala region Sale were Concentrated with more appreciation and even the dream come true 80 Lakh Winning Kerala Lottery updated the results very successful manner couple of minutes ago as per scheduled. The KT 644100 made the Sale to impact a huge hike for this Weekend due to the opportunity of winning made during the recent week, i.e on 26/05/2018.

The Bunch of tickets was selling so fast for Karunya KR348 during its draw of the month of June 2018. Do you Know How to check Karunya Lottery Result Online? The Below steps will guide you to check the latest Karunya Lottery KR 348 results Online.

Check the Winning Numbers:

1st Prize- Rs :8,000,000/-

Consolation Prize- Rs. 25,000/-
KA 298724 KB 298724 KC 298724 KD 298724
KE 298724 KG 298724 KH 298724 KJ 298724
KK 298724

2nd Prize- Rs :500,000/-
KL 355229 (WAYANADU)

3rd Prize- Rs :200,000/-
KA 113677 (VAIKKOM)
KC 375211 (PALAKKAD)
KH 442539 (CHITTUR)
KK 447361 (PATTAMBI)

4th Prize- Rs. 5,000/-
0481 1566 1934 2116 2564
3027 3272 3771 6046 7638
8927 9051

5th Prize- Rs. 2,000/-
0907 1465 3093 3589 4449
5705 8014 8028 8598 8655

6th Prize- Rs. 1,000/-
0034 0305 0380 0441 0503
0857 1213 1273 1388 1631
1705 1740 1836 2153 2283
2342 2617 2759 2960 3114
3509 3839 3970 4059 4135
4604 5170 5662 6485 6993
7575 7667 7896 8005 8130
8169 8574 8707 8782 9355
9756 9933

7th Prize- Rs. 500/-
0205 0330 0443 0520 0527
0591 0609 0790 0799 0831
1005 1154 1191 1639 1671
1733 1999 2048 2269 2346
2390 2521 2614 2616 2842
2843 2916 2982 3100 3169

3360 3590 3644 3704 3766
3934 3992 4174 4509 4943
4959 4960 5162 5754 5794
5887 5948 6061 6084 6225
6246 6290 6300 6303 6717
6901 6948 7092 7416 7779
7802 8619 8649 8711 8725
8798 8858 8924 8928 9020
9059 9120 9256 9549 9631

8th Prize- Rs. 100/-
0106 0201 0492 0571 0684
0739 0868 0878 0918 1072
1144 1248 1315 1344 1380
1508 1574 1579 1698 1811
1846 1924 2136 2162 2220
2349 2356 2412 2440 2569
2633 2901 2912 3029 3058
3206 3277 3379 3681 3695
3760 3768 3893 3941 3950
3959 3965 3989 4194 4293
4470 4499 4715 4805 4829
4881 4915 4961 4978 5185
5342 5479 5569 5804 5889
5901 5935 6000 6330 6356
6364 6471 6490 6578 6614
6742 7060 7152 7174 7187
7248 7259 7266 7508 7509
7535 7546 7595 7671 7697
7713 8071 8099 8239 8451
8602 8764 8954 8980 9090
9097 9105 9137 9163 9186
9437 9580 9683 9931 9960

How to Check Karunya KR348 Lottery Result Online?

  • Check the Series of 2.6.2018 Kerala Lottery Updated with Karunya’s KR 348.
  • Check out the Logo Representation and the Lottery Symbol Updated in front of the ticket successfully.
  • Be Aware of Checking 6 Digit Winning Numbers, please be careful while checking the same as it updated with subseries.
  • Once if you confirmed the Winning Karunya Lottery Result KR348, make sure that the behind notification of the same must read once.

Final Verdict:

If you need assistance while checking the Kerala Lottery Result 2.6.2018 for the Saturday’s Karunya KR348 lottery ticket, please stay updated with the comment box in detail.