Risks of Combining Alcohol with ADHD Medications


Adults with ADHD often take medications such as Adderall or Ritalin to help them stay focused. These drugs are helpful for those struggling with ADHD symptoms and can help people be more attentive to the tasks at hand. These ADHD drugs are considered stimulants and many of their labels advise against drinking alcohol while taking the medication. However, many people don’t see the harm in having a drink or two, even though their doctor may warn them of the consequences. Indeed, combining ADHD stimulant medications and alcohol, which is a depressant, can have harmful side effects. The following are just a few to keep in mind before choosing whether to mix the two.

Mixing Meds and Alcohol Make it Harder to Spot Overdose and Overdrinking

Many are familiar with the signs of overdosing on medication, or overdrinking. People may be well aware of Adderall overdose symptoms and they may be able to recognize the symptoms of having had one too many drinks. However, when you combine the two substances, it can be harder to tell how drunk you’re becoming because the stimulant will dull the buzzed feeling you get from alcohol. Similarly, overdrinking dulls your senses and can make it harder to recognize whether an overdose of medication has occurred.

You can’t cancel out the effects of the stimulant of the ADHD medication and the depressant value of the alcohol by combining the two. In fact, when you drink while taking ADHD meds, you’re actually more likely to underestimate how much alcohol you’ve consumed and this could lead to alcohol poisoning. In addition, once you’ve had too much alcohol, you’re more likely to make poor decisions, such as taking more medication than is prescribed. And this can lead to overdose.

Mixing Drugs Can Lead to Heart Disease

Mixing alcohol with ADHD medications can be hard on your heart. The combination often increases heart rate and pulse. Or it can make the heart beat irregularly, which is also unhealthy. Should this occur on a regular basis over time, it can cause lasting damage to the heart muscle. Again, mixing the two substances makes people less aware of the warning signs their bodies are giving, such as increased heart rate. People who recognize the amplified pulse may enjoy it and experiment with more mixing to maintain the feeling. Either way, your body is trying to tell you that the two substances are harmful and you should heed its warning.

Combining Alcohol and ADHD Medications can Trigger Depression

By mixing drugs such as Adderall and Ritalin, people risk spiraling into anxiety or depression. These states can then lead to more medication and alcohol abuse. Whether you suffer from these conditions normally or not, you are more likely to feel their effects when combining substances.

While some people may be able to take their ADHD medication and still have a drink without experiencing negative consequences, others may not. Before choosing to experiment, be sure to familiarize yourself with the potential side effects such as overdrinking, heart disease, and depression. Consult with your physician and arm yourself with the knowledge to keep you safe.