Epidural Injection for Pregnancy and Got any Side Effects?


Epidural Injection for Pregnancy: Childbirth is an important element of any woman’s life and giving birth to a baby and being a ‘mother’ is a very happy and anxious thing for a woman. But have you ever wondered how an epidural injection at the time of a baby’s birth can affect that baby and the mother, and an injection involves injecting local anesthesia and steroids into the epidural space. It helps in reducing the swelling and pain from the irritant nerve. The epidural is a local anesthesia that is injected into the back around the nerves that carry pain signals from the uterus and cervix to the brain during childbirth.

Any Risk during Epidural Injection for Pregnancy?

This can usually be taken at any stage of exertion, but most women choose it only when their contractions become stronger and the cervix expands from about 5 cm to 6 centimeters. Once an  injection has been taken it will provide relief for some time.

During a cesarean section, the effect of an epidural can last for hours. Let’s take a look at how an epidural injection is done, which inserts a needle into the epidural space near your spinal cord. It injects local anesthesia and steroids into the epidural space through the needle.

Local anesthesia numbs the nerves and provides relief from the pain. Steroids reduce inflammation and make pain relief last longer. Injections can be performed at various points from the neck to the base of the spine.

Is it safe to given for pregnant women?

The possibility that an epidural injection can lower blood pressure and affect the flow of oxygen to the baby is very high. The use of epidural is not so good for young babies, which significantly reduces the flow of blood to them and the amount of oxygen to their brain, significantly affecting that baby’s intelligence and health when they are born.

An injection can sometimes cause many complications, so your health should be closely monitored during and after the injection. Some complications can be serious and can even lead to death. Some of the complications of epidural include epidural failure, pain disturbances, low blood pressure, headaches, back pain, seizures, short-term nerve damage, long-term nerve injury, blood clotting around the spine, paralysis, and difficulty urinating.

There are a lot of consequences that can be caused by epidural after delivery, leading to excessive fatigue. This fatigue is more prolonged. So, try to rest as much as possible and don’t work on yourself. Breastfeeding the baby during these times feels very difficult. Similarly, vaginal discharge is experienced for days after delivery. During these times, the hormones take time to settle down and this causes mood swings such as frustration and discomfort.

Summing up

An epidural injection can be used by most people, which usually provides a safe and effective form of pain relief. This is usually taken for 15 to 30 minutes. However, this injection is used for pain from a slipped disc or a trapped spinal cord. It provides long-term pain relief, though not for the short term. It allows you to travel more easily and return to normal activities. Stay updated with more medical ideas and information here with Quintdaily.com