Best Way to Ensure Your Car Lasts Forever


If you bought your car new, there’s a good chance you spent tens of thousands of dollars on it. According to an article on the Consumer Reports website, the average cost for a brand new vehicle today is $47,000. That’s a large investment and one that you won’t want to squander. Instead, you’ll want the used cars in rancho cordova to last for as long as possible, or, preferably, as long as your lifetime.

So, now the question is, “How do you make that happen?” Obviously, there are different ways to accomplish the feat, and the answers you’ll get will vary depending on who you ask. Below are some ideas of how to make your car last.

Get a Car Warranty

Investing in a car warranty is one way to ensure your vehicle lasts forever. Even if you take the absolute best care of your engine, transmission, and everything else, eventually, breakdowns can occur. You can keep your car in the best shape through car warranty plans. Resources such as Endurance Warranty reviews and Protect My Car reviews can give you important information on these plans.

A car warranty plan also keeps maintenance costs low. After the manufacturer warranties on brand new cars expire, owners become responsible for the costs of expensive repairs. When issues arise, you might not have the money in the bank to fix them. However, with a warranty, you’ll only pay a pre-determined deductible when service is needed, and the provider picks up the rest of the tab.

Aside from reviews of car warranty companies, you can also use other methods to learn what these providers bring to the table. For instance, ask your family and friends for recommendations on warranty plans. Don’t forget to use online tools at your disposal, like the Better Business Bureau website, too. There, you can take note of customer complaints, read verified customer reviews, and more.

Stay up to Date on Oil Changes

Oil changes are also necessary to help vehicles last a long time. The oil used needs to be cleaned every 3,000 miles to ensure it effectively lubricated internal engine components. However, that isn’t the case today. Manufacturer recommendations vary on this subject, but typically, they call for brand new vehicles to receive oil changes at 5,000 or 7,000-mile intervals.

Look in your owner’s manual to find out when you should get your oil changed. The book will also contain other helpful maintenance information. It may even have tips within its pages to make tasks easier. Just be sure to stay on top of this chore, and your car will serve you well for years to come.

Deal With Problems Promptly

Vehicle problems tend to get worse when they’re not fixed as soon as possible. They can even cause other issues to develop. Therefore, if you’re all about trying to make your car last, it is in your best interest to address minor things before they turn into catastrophic disasters. That could save you a lot of grief in the long run by preventing premature system failures.

Some Last Words

There are different ways to give your car a chance to last forever. The three tips here barely even begin to scratch the surface, but they can start you on the journey. It’s best to do more research so you can build a routine to help your vehicle endure the rigors of everyday use.