How to Ace Maintenance Costs for Your Business


It is no secret that the condition of the equipment has a significant impact on the effectiveness of the organization. So it is vital that you properly manage the expenses of sustaining your company’s physical assets. This is because if they’re not handled properly, the high costs of maintenance can affect your firm.

When the operating costs are high, it will significantly lower your business’s profit margins. At the same time, if your equipment is not in good working condition, it will be impossible to conduct business.

Companies need to leverage maintenance consultants and cutting-edge technology to compete in the current market. However, this can be a bit expensive for your business. So how can you maintain a competitive edge, conduct preventive maintenance, and cut expenses all at once?

The best option is to ensure you control maintenance tasks and costs as efficiently as possible. But first, you will need in-depth knowledge about doing maintenance on your assets.

Start by identifying your most expensive and most important activities and resources in your business. Moreover, implement practical ways of tracking maintenance costs to your entire business and assets.

Here are methods how you can ace maintenance costs for your business:

1. Leverage Preventive Maintenance

One of the best ways to reduce maintenance expenses is by leveraging preventive maintenance. The truth is, it’s quite tempting to put off addressing repairs until they’re necessary. However, the fact remains that waiting until there is a problem with your assets and technology may result in higher expenses.

This is because when there is an emergency breakdown, you’ll need to cater for the following:

  • Expedited shipping costs of materials
  • Potential overtime compensation
  • Pay for more labor that may be necessary

But doing preventive maintenance gives you a chance to save money on all these aspects. One of the benefits of preventive maintenance that managers are oblivious of is the lower energy costs.

Maintenance consultants can provide the right approach to reduce operational costs with preventive maintenance.  A good example is maintaining the HVAC system. Most people dread the energy consumption associated with HVAC, and it’s even worse when it’s installed on a commercial building. But doing routine maintenance on the system can result in significant energy savings.

According to a study, facilities with regular preventive HVAC maintenance consume approximately 15 to 20 percent less energy than those with neglected systems.

Additionally, when you improve worker safety, maintenance can also help in lowering operational expenses. Apart from increased expenses, inadequate maintenance can always lead to malfunctioning machinery.

And this can lead to far more expenses leading to human suffering, operational costs, and regulatory fines in particular industries.

2. Evaluate Your Current Maintenance Schedule

A preventive maintenance schedule is crucial as it helps the maintenance experts keep the equipment in good running condition and give it a longer lifespan.

But first, you need to understand your current industrial maintenance schedule and procedures. This is essential as it helps you identify the areas that might need adjustments.

Of course, to understand your plant maintenance schedule, you must have proper reporting that can help collect data. But if this still needs to be implemented, you can work with maintenance consultants to help establish a maintenance schedule. A proper maintenance schedule can make you confident that you’re generating the correct data through proper reporting.

This is crucial as it will help you identify wasted resources and places that need extra attention. Routine preventative maintenance ensures that your equipment will continue to run safely and efficiently.

However, a preventive maintenance schedule can be particularly challenging if you have a large amount of equipment. In this case, you can use preventive maintenance software to schedule maintenance activities.

3. Enhance Performance With Training

It is a good idea to do preventive maintenance and evaluate your current maintenance schedule; however, more is needed. Besides, even investing in the latest technology is not efficient enough. You will be ahead of your competitors if you have highly skilled personnel who are aware of their roles and know how to carry them out effectively. This is vital as it will help you reduce the maintenance required when everyone is aware of the proper usage of the machinery.

Training is practical because it equips employees with knowledge of spotting signs of wear and tear or malfunction. Therefore, it will result in a reduced need for machinery repairs.

To be on the safe side, ensure you schedule routing staff training sessions for your staff. Experienced maintenance consultants have a good and reliable approach to equipment handling.

You can plan for a training day if you haven’t recently instructed your employees about the best ways to operate the equipment such as rigging hardware everett, safely and correctly. Besides, scheduling a training session is more cost effective than waiting for issues to arise. Always remember that you will need to pay for expedited shipment of materials and extra labor overtime. On the other hand, you might suffer setbacks in your production goals leading to a substantial financial loss.

Training your employees who handle the machines is essential as it improves the number of eyes and ears monitoring the equipment’s condition. This means you won’t have to rely on one person to check whether the machines are in good condition.

Besides formal training, ensuring a sound communication system in your organization is essential. You can achieve this by improving communication between the management and maintenance employees. The communication can be via email, memo, and regular meetings. This will help you to review vital areas that require improvement to develop concrete plans for the machines.

4. Understand the Lifespan of Your Assets

Sometimes you may be holding on to a piece of equipment that’s not worthwhile. So consider the frequency of the repairs and decide if it’s worth repairing.

When you understand the life cycle of your assets, it will be easy to decide if it is more cost-effective to repair, refurbish, or replace the equipment with a new one.

Keep in mind that there is no single method for cutting maintenance costs for your business. Moreover, remember that everyone’s safety and comfort depend on maintenance.

So replacing old equipment is worth it as it reduces unnecessary maintenance and results in a more productive workforce.

Final Thoughts

If you want to meet your organizational goals, you will need to invest in industrial maintenance. But the truth is plant maintenance can be one of the most expensive expenses for your firm.

However, you can increase your equipment’s lifespan and reduce maintenance expenses. You can achieve this by leveraging the following:

  • Preventive maintenance
  • Evaluating your industrial maintenance schedule
  • Training your staff
  • Knowing the lifecycle of your machinery

These are a few things you need to consider to ace maintenance costs for your business. Stay refreshed to find more informative ideas and amazing things here with Quintdaily.