Top SEO Tips for your Small Business Website to get noticed


The year 2020 started with a little slowdown due to the pandemic crisis. But now the markets are restoring gradually. Small businesses suffer huge losses in such critical times more than the market leaders because they lack deep pockets. There are about 30.7 million small businesses in the USA, out of which only 10% have an online presence.

According to a leading SEO firm in the USA, every organization must have an online presence to boost sales. Over 230 million people in the USA own a smartphone, and over 100 million users use an internet-enabled tablet. It is easier for people to shop online and browse on the web.

Owning a website will bring 75% of ROI and a 93% conversion rate due to these numbers. And your website has to be SEO-friendly so that you garner more attention from the web surfers. According to research by Databox, SEO plays a vital role in generating sales and is five times better than PPC (Pay per Click). Let’s learn how SEO can help you with getting your website noticed.

Get a Tech-Assistance to Upgrade your Website

RankBrain is Google’s machine-learning artificial intelligence that helps Google to rank thousands of pages on the web-circle. Google is the most preferred search engine website, followed by Bing and Yahoo. If you don’t own a web page, it is better to hire an SEO firm in the USA to design an SEO-friendly website. But if you already own a website, here are a few tips that you must incorporate to boost your website’s SEO performance.

Optimize for Mobile:

81% of the people in the USA use mobile devices to do some online research before making any purchase. Your website should be optimized for a small screen display. Avoid a large number of pictures and small font sizes that will hinder the website’s performance. The aim of having a website for a small screen is to make the customers look for the products that you are offering.

Enhance the Loading Speed:

Researchers in the USA state, if a page takes more than 0.08 seconds to load, there is a significant increase in the bounce rate. Also, the conversion rate falls by 12% for every extra second that your webpage takes to load. Hence, your website should be simple in design and free of error pages. The more error pages on your site, the lower your webpage will be ranked on SERP (Search Engine Results Page).

The Flow of the Website should be Optimal:

People in the USA prefer a proper flow of content on your website. During the research, a few respondents from the USA confirmed that if you cannot open an internal link on a website, it leads to disappointment, and people move on to the next website immediately. This is a severe failure of your site if it cannot keep the prospective customers glued on your webpage. The usability of a website includes a proper loading of information and a systematic arrangement of pages. The homepage, the about us page, the services page, and then contact us page all these pages form the foundation of your website.

Keywords for SEO:

A small business mostly operates in a local area. So if you wish to become a local business leader in the market, then your website should have specific keywords related to your business and local region. Big giants also make sure that they use keywords that will grab more attention from its users. You will find several online tools available to help with finding specific keywords for your website. UberSuggest is one of the keyword research specialist websites that help in optimizing your webpages for SEO.

Do Read: SEO Basics

Focus on Creating Quality and Engaging Content

According to statistics, 72% of the US people visit a local store within five miles of their current location after researching on the internet. Also, 88% trust online reviews as much as they trust recommendations from friends and family. It is not deniable that if you have informative content on your webpage, people will love to read it.

Keeping the customers engaged on your website denotes the quality of your content. Also, the reviews and sharing of your website links increase when people appreciate your information. The more shares, likes, and reviews facilitate SEO and push your rank on SERP.

Make your content strategy one of the key ways to promote your website

Content marketing is a huge topic. Make sure that the quality content you are creating is part of a coherent strategy that reinforces your core messaging. Whether you writing blog posts for your own site, case studies, or guest posts for others, focus on core company values and speak to your intended audience with authority. Using content as one of the ways to promote your website is key to gaining exposure for your brand and building your audience. Ensure that your content is always original and always delivers value to the reader. This should position you well for enhancing your reputation and promoting your site.

Link to Authority Sites and Include Back-linking

Every US adult spends 3 hours and 35 minutes minimum on the internet every day. The purpose could be anything, either shopping or gaining information. This can be used to your business advantage by linking authority sites to your website. You can also share information by uploading informative videos, graphics, and reports to drive traffic to your website.

Backlinking is a great way to increase sales and generating revenue from a website. The more people share your links and keep coming back, the more you will be searched. Because Google algorithms always look for webpages that are searched more often. An experienced SEO firm in the USA can help in increasing your rank on search engine results.

Optimize for Local SEO and Monitor Rankings

The USA’s most significant local market is the food industry and is about 1.26 trillion in worth. Most of these businesses own a website which helps them to target more potential customers.

The constructive step to increase visibility in a local market is to optimize your website for local SEO. Making use of relevant keywords and sharing information on your webpages make the search engines push you on a higher level.

You should also monitor your rankings from time to time to understand where you stand in the SERP. If you are on the lower side, then work on your content, push your visibility, and add better back-links.

Conclusion –

Make sure that you don’t add unnecessary links that may create confusion and drop you down to a lower rank. You may also check your competitor’s website and study its performance. If you find some significant differences, then do incorporate them into your webpages. It does not mean copying the content, but taking the insights and making the relevant changes. For more SEO Basics or SEO Tips for small business, stay tuned with Quintdaily.