How Safety Gear Can Affect Your Motorcycle Accident Claim


Motorcycle accidents are a common cause of injuries and fatalities. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, riders are almost three times more likely to die in a motorcycle accident than in a car crash.

If you’re injured in a motorcycle accident, getting the compensation you deserve can be challenging if you aren’t wearing proper safety gear. When determining how much your claim is worth, the law may consider whether or not you were wearing a helmet, clothing that protects against abrasion, boots, and gloves.

Motorcycle helmets are designed to absorb the force of a crash and protect the head from injury. Wearing a helmet while riding a motorcycle is required by law in most states and provinces. But some riders think that if they wear a helmet and still get injured in an accident, they won’t be able to collect anything from the insurance company or other responsible parties — which isn’t true at all.

Most states require riders to wear helmets that meet specific safety standards set by the federal government. Most helmets meet these standards when they’re new; however, helmets can become damaged or lose their effectiveness through use or wear over time. If your helmet has been worn down by sun exposure or other factors beyond your control, it may not provide adequate protection during an accident — even though it was legal when you bought it new

So how do motorcycle crash guards work? Crash guards are designed to absorb some of the impacts of a collision between you and another vehicle, like a car or truck. These collisions often occur at high speeds, so it’s essential that your guard absorbs as much impact as possible while still protecting you from injury.

They’re made up of two parts: the first part is the actual protector itself, which is attached to your bike’s frame. The other part is a cover that protects against rain and snow.

The protector comprises several parts: a frame, an arm, and a backrest. This combination protects your entire body during a collision or falls from your bike.

The frame sits behind your seat and attaches to the rear wheel axle, while the arm extends over your rear wheel and rests on top of it. This combination creates a protective barrier between you and passing vehicles in case of an accident.

A good example would be if you were riding down the highway when someone pulled out in front of you without looking. If they hit you head-on at 60mph or more, then even with a good set of full-coverage motorcycle insurance policies, their damages will probably exceed your deductible amount (the amount you have to pay before insurance kicks in) with those costs combined with medical expenses.

Types of Motorcycle Crash Guards

There are two types of motorcycle crash guards: front and rear. Front crash guards are usually made of metal and help protect the rider’s legs and feet from getting crushed in an accident. Rear crash guards are usually made up of plastic or rubber, and they protect the rear end (tail) of the motorcycle, so it doesn’t get damaged by an impact and protect other vehicles around it when there is a collision.