A Guide To CBD Products


CBD is a holistic supplement that many people turn to for a wide range of reasons. Regardless of why you personally want to try CBD, one fact stands out: there are a lot of options out there!

From different types of CBD oil to even different CBD products, the sheer number of options out there can make it feel daunting when you’re just starting out. While you won’t know just how each product impacts you or how you’ll feel about it until you try it, this guide will help you understand what your options are, and which one to start with.


CBD oil is one of the classics—and for a good reason. Of all CBD products, it’s the most versatile, and is available in the following forms:

By Itself

One of the most common ways that you can have CBD oil is directly on its own. Thanks to the pipette in the bottle, all you need is to squeeze a few drops under your tongue and you’re good to go.

You can adjust doses quite easily thanks to the pipette; the only downside is that CBD oil can be quite bitter to the taste.

Mixed with Food or Drink

If the oil on its own doesn’t taste the greatest to you, then all you need is to add CBD oil to your food or drink. Hot drinks such as coffee, lattes, and hot chocolate are a particular favorite—and you may even find many local cafes offering CBD special drinks (particularly come winter).CBD Gummies

If you want an easy and delicious way to get your CBD, then try gummies. Each gummy has a set amount, for example, 400mg, so figuring out what dose works for you is very easy.

For the best results, start with one gummy for the day, then increase from there. Since they’re in gummy form they’re also both tasty and portable.

CBD Skincare

CBD can also be added to skincare products. While you can try adding the oil to your existing skincare, however, you’ll likely be better off with pre-mixed creams—especially when it comes to muscle and joint rubs. This way, you know the CBD is properly mixed into your creams and you’ll get an even effect wherever you rub it in.

Figuring Out What’s Best for You

You can get a starter kit—such as the one available from Supreme CBD—which contains a full-spectrum oil, joint rub, face cream, and gummies all in one box; letting you try out the many different CBD products at once. So, regardless of what you are starting CBD for, this full kit will help you fully understand what is best for your individual goals.

Even with this full kit, it’s always best to start with a low dose and then work from there. This is how you’ll more likely get the effects you’re looking for, all without wasting CBD oil by overdoing it.

There’s a sweet spot when it comes to how much and how often you ingest your CBD supplements (or wear them) and knowing that sweet spot is how you can enjoy your CBD to its fullest while using it as economically as possible.