Benefits of Cold Therapy for Athletes

Benefits of Cold Therapy for Athletes
Image Credits: Freepik

Injuries and muscle recovery are great hindrances for athletes and can seriously challenge or reduce their progress toward their goals. Traditionally ice packs have been used to treat targeted areas in the body for such cases but have only given mediocre results. Well, modern cold therapy machines are made to address these problems and enhance athlete recovery.

Machines like the Breg Polar Care Kodiak are used similarly to ice packs but more efficiently. Cold therapy machines are the next big thing in an athlete’s arsenal. Learn more about how the cold therapy machines are and also know their benefits, as well as how to purchase and use them.

What are Cold Therapy Machines?

Cold therapy machines function by applying cold temperatures to targeted parts of the body. These machines are designed to be more efficient at treating injuries and pain than traditional ice packs. They also decrease muscle recovery time for athletes after an intense workout.

Cold therapy machines can be applied to any part of the body with ease as they can be strapped around normally challenging areas. The units then use compression and cold temperatures to target the pain or injury allowing for it to penetrate deeper and effectively give the therapeutic benefits of cold therapy.

By using these machines you can reduce the chances of severe injuries and can save money from doctor appointments. On top of this cold machines are convenient and comfortable to store, capable of being used at a moment’s notice.

Ways to Use Cold Therapy Machines

When using a cold therapy machine, there are several steps you should follow to ensure safety and efficiency.

  1. Set up the machine according as per the instructions provided and fill up the water reservoir to the instructed amount.
  2. Use the intended pad or wrap around the target muscle or body part making sure there is a defensive layer between the cold and the skin.
  3. You should adjust the temperature of the device according to experienced medical advice or practice.
  4. Also, be sure that you are only using the machine for the proper duration, on moderate, 15 – 60 minutes.
  5. Also, when you are done using the machine, you should properly clean out the water reservoir as well as inspect for any damage to the machine.

Where Can You Purchase Products Like Breg Polar Care Kodiak?

There is a vast amount of cold therapy products on the market. If you intend on purchasing a cold therapy machine, there are a few things you should look for.

  1. Find a cold therapy machine that caters specifically to your needs. Furthermore, good companies often sell quite a few products for different uses and athletes.
  2. Check for highly rated products with verified reviews as well as certain products made with high-quality material for longer use.
  3. General features to examine are a high water flow rate for temperature distribution, also an in-depth instruction manual, quiet pump technology, and a return procedure.


The uses for athletes utilizing cold therapy machines like the Breg Polar Care Kodiak can take their training to the next level. Furthermore, by using cold therapy machines you can expect a notable decrease in recovery time conveniently and at a cheap price. Going online and searching for a trusted retailer, you can find the perfect cold therapy machine for you to purchase.